[img]http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h461/kathichan1/ariacastshot.png[/img] [u][b]Morris: Guild[/b][/u] Aria carefully unpinned the notices from the missing board, assuming that Lady had more copies of them stashed somewhere behind her desk. She gave all another once over before tucking it away in some unseen pocket in her vest. The victims certainly didn't seem to have anything in common with each other as far as she could tell, so there was the chance that whoever was behind this was doing it indiscriminately and just picking off whoever looked like easy picking at the time. Amy's unexpected declaration had everyone talking. What kind of bad blood did she mean? So she knew the owners of the circus? Aria did agree with Syed- they were only investigating, and it wasn't for sure that it was the circus that was behind the disappearances yet. Perhaps it would be good for Marcus and Amy to search elsewhere, seeing how adverse the cleric was to visiting the circus. Too bad Estelle had other ideas. The illusionist couldn't help but chuckle, moving over and trying to dislodge the redhead before Amy lost her temper. "We'd still be a team even if we are split up for now, Estelle." Somehow she had managed to undo the death grip and dragged the girl backwards. "Besides, what if we're so busy investigating the circus and the kidnapper decided to run or kidnap someone else? There's no evidence that the circus is behind it after all." She ruffled the girl's hair, hiding a grin. Amy and Estelle were both quite stubborn, weren't they?