[img=http://i.imgur.com/t9SKBzc.png] [img=http://i.imgur.com/dO6vRyy.png] [b][u]Morris: Guild[/u][/b] Trixie and Estelle were immediately opposed to leaving the cleric behind, with Moira suggesting she joined along as well - though everyone else recognized and understood her desire to stay behind. Marcus offered to stay behind with her as well, with his own reasons. As the two girls were being pulled away from her, Amy coiled her fingers around her empty glass, feeling the cold run through her skin. She looked over her shoulder to the Pride members for a moment, smiled wryly, then returned her attention to her glass in hand. "Thank you, everyone. I appreciate it." "But," Trixie pouted, "but Amy, come on..." "I'll be fine. Don't get into too much trouble without me, Trix." [i]“Anyway… I think it’s about time we should go, right?”[/i] Following a wave goodbye from Lady and a cold shrug from Amy, Trixie crossed her arms and followed the leader out the guild doors. Lute did what he could to keep Trixie's investigative spirits up, so she at least had that to look forward to - and Aria's proposition about the kidnapper possibly doing a runner had merit as well. Still, it felt weird to her seeing Amy willingly split herself from the group so quickly, but they trusted the Pride well enough to keep each other safe when the other wasn't around. Mulling that over gave Trixie more reassurance than anything at this point. Though she still felt pouty about Amy (and Marcus) staying behind like that. "She never told me she's been to a circus before. I didn't think she liked clowns. Unless"--Trixie gasped--"maybe [i]she's[/i] been kidnapped by them before and just isn't telling us! Ooooh, bad guys, you're in trouble now!" Even she could admit she was jumping to conclusions now, but this little ~mystery~ of theirs helped keep her pumped and moving. The Pride passed by the cluster of flyers again as they neared the northern entrance of Morris. Trixie snatched the paper nearest to them and handed it over to whoever was behind her to check out. Its header read "Phillis Circus" in fancy calligraphy, with concise information listed below it, including its location in relation to the three towns and villages nearest it. The performances were nightly, with some dates giving longer shows than others, while cutesy carnival games and other forms of entertainment kept its visitors busy during the daytime. From the flyer alone, the grounds itself seemed as large as a miniature fairground, with its circus tent being the main attraction. As Lady said, there was also a subtle note regarding a "couple of newcomers" to the show. Judging from how clean the print was, the printout seemed to be relatively recent. As the guilders glossed over this paper before continuing out of town, Trixie leaned to the guilders nearest her and brought a hand to her mouth, as if trying to be secretive, though her whispering was loud enough for everyone in the group to hear. With her other hand, she jerked a thumb over her shoulder. "Who dat smelly guy? He's been following us for like the last ten minutes." [hider=dat smelly guy]And there stood the suited man with his milkshake. [s]He wasn't even that smelly tho[/s] [img=http://i.imgur.com/yWeW5Rr.png][/hider]