[quote=rusty4297] Ryan had his powers since he was born, but how he decided to join the team might work for that... However, seeing as it IS a team that people join, it means that whereas some may have been there since the beginning, others, such as your own character, just arrived, so that would mean that some would be left out of the actual RPing during sections not including their character, unless we had the team all actually meet each other, but not realize they would all be in the same team at some point [/quote] That'd be an idea, maybe some of them had abilities but, hid them? Yeah as for my character, he's a rookie anyway so he's just new An origin beginning would be a better start for us all But if we all found a common basis as to where to restart, if we do, that would be great. I think we could do alot more for the RP if we started from the beginning or something