[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/LAshoov.png][/center] Seeing the look on Song's face after the comment Inadi made about Mr. Cuddles all but sealed the deal into a question he had been racing through his mind. The guides didn't seem to know nor have any say in doing things out of the Queen's decisions. They were only instructed to monitor them. Everything else in Nowhere was the duty of the guard. These Nobodies the Queen had sent out with he and the rest of the humans were just skilled warriors that she trusted. They weren't personal body guards or some kind of special operations unit. Just people in the end. This made Inadi feel somewhat relieved and yet at the same time brought up guilt he had come all too common with. Avian was just doing a job the Queen trusted him with. Nothing more than that. As the old man approached he began speaking to Song about some kind of item that the old guy wanted to find. Some Mr. Brightenburg if Inadi heard him right. While that was going on Inadi looked down at the one standing behind him and saw a very odd looking Harper. Not odd like he himself had looked earlier thanks to his attire. Harper looked odd in the sense that he seemed to have a different kind of feeling to him. His aura was off, as it was the only way Inadi could really get an idea of how to describe the feeling to himself. Giving the fellow human a quick nod, acknowledging the greeting, Inadi looked back towards the older Nobody who began heading off talking about how much he loved Martini's clothing. Apparently that was a theme here in the world of Nowhere. While trying to figure out what was going on with the defacto leader of the group Inadi found himself almost deaf to Jasper's request to continue down the hall of doors. Snapping himself back into the moment he looked at the girl and gave her a slight smile. “Sure thing. I'm thinking at this point that dancing competition is over already so I guess its time to try and find something to entertain myself with. Something pleasant at least.” He joked slightly as he looked back at the group and began following Songbird, who began complaining about the pace and not wanting to go and find whatever item the older Nobody wanted him to find. Keeping up with the group further down the hall he looked forward as he mulled over the hooded figures he brought up. So death was the easiest way out of something as serious as helping them out it seemed. Who knew what was worse than that but considering how strange this place was he was sure it wasn't anything nice. With Jasper to his right and Harper to his left, he began realizing just how quiet the walk down the hall was. Perhaps it was the emotional exhaustion or just the uncomfortable feeling of walking through the Queen's castle but it was as if the whole world had been switched to mute. And Inadi had just about enough of it. “So the Queen mentioned that we had gotten farther than any other groups prior to this if I remember correctly. Any of the guides ever worked with those who came before us? Or do guides get switched out with each collection of humans?” Inadi asked with curiosity towards Brandy and Song. Again, it wasn't a question that removed the group from their task, but it was something that Inadi just felt he wanted to know more about. So many humans, including these hooded figures, supposedly died during this little escapade. And for what reason other than returning the humans back home would make the Queen want to make this quest done over and over again? Surely there was something she got out of it. If there was one, Inadi had no idea. While waiting for his answer he looked down to Jasper and then to Harper again. The boy continued to seem a little out of it and Inadi decided to try and do what he could. Wrapping an arm around the boy's shoulder Inadi flashed a quick smile at him. “Harper, tell me you got to try some of the fruit at that little table back in the ball room. I tell you there was some grapes over there that tasted like they were fresh from the orchard,” Inadi said with a laugh. Pointing his thumb out to Jasper, he continued on all while trying to get a chuckle out of the boy and see just what was going on in that head of his. “Jasper can attest to it. I must have had my whole plate cleaned off in there in about a minute I think. Luckily Jasper came along and stopped me from getting too many more otherwise I would have needed to be rolled around for the rest of the day.” He laughed again as Inadi gave Harper a quick shake like a maraca, trying to spread his laughter over to the other human in his grasp. He also shot a look over to Jasper, trying to get a smile out of her as well just as he had done earlier in the ballroom. The members of the group he had seen so far today were all far too depressed, himself included. It was high time that got changed up.