Dr. Ayah Lau sat in cool silence, a stark contrast to the information blitz whirling about in her cyber brain. Messages were being exchanged between the board of EIS about the G-II virus, contingency protocols and reprimand for Dr. Mantronillo’s actions, or lack thereof, being the gist of their communication. At the same time, she was coordinating with two BESC Hazard Squads that were also en route, briefing their commanding officers on mission specifics for quarantining the virus. What little room the neural implant HUD provided was spent issuing statements to major media correspondents. She of course made sure to blanket the truth, stressing limited travel in the outerlands due to ‘a virulent pathogen spread by pesky Dagar Phalanx.’ Should a G-II outbreak occur, its origins would be able to momentarily disguise itself under this fake disease; Dr. Ayah’s fabricated creation for the media. BESC was already catching heat for rep Illugia Faux’s controversial resignation, and the recent Project Tower incident. A civil war would breakout if the public found out that their government was manufacturing bioweapons. It would be the last incentive the factions needed to take up arms and oust the regime. Therefore, successfully quarantining the G-II virus couldn’t have been stressed enough by her superiors. When all of this was over, she was going to pay Dr. Matronillo a visit. [i]Incompetent Bastard.[/i] “Mam.” Dr. Lau shook her head, clearing away thoughts and all other manners of business. A woman with long lavender hair stood before her, the white, skin-tight envirosuit worn was almost as pale as her own skin. “We’ll be approaching LZ in 5, tops.” “Thank you, Lucy.” Ayah said, grabbing ahold of the railing above her. She stood up and faced her bodyguard, who she was identical with in height. As far as the doctor was concerned, it was the only thing the two had in common. She preferred to keep things impersonal with her subjects, especially the expendable ones. No use working up a relationship if they end up dead today. “Have Edgar fly low.” Lucy nodded with lifeless eyes, then walked toward the cockpit. Edgar was Dr. Ayah’s other bodyguard. The two of them came as a set from BESC’s new military program. She didn’t care for specifics; it was practically a given that the two were products of a morally unethical training regimen. They could’ve been grown out of a lab for all she knew. “Roger that.” Edgar’s grizzly voice said over the intercom. For a moment Dr. Ayah thought the man had somehow read her mind, until she quickly realized he was only responding to her order, relayed through Lucy. She chuckled for being so obtuse, blaming the confusion from spending too much time accessing her neural implant HUD. The notion of laughter lifted her spirits and momentarily put her at ease. Then she felt her stomach lurch from the transport's sudden descent. Minutes away from what could potentially be a catastrophic nightmare, Dr. Ayah put on her game face, mimicking Lucy's emotionless stare. "Easy in, easy out." She whispered, double-checking her gear while going over the plan in her head. After a quick rendezvous on foot with the two BESC Hazard Teams, they'd swoop in less than a klick away from the extraction site and quarantine the G-II. She sighed before sealing in her helmet. [I]If only it were that simple.[/I] Not only was the bioweapon's current state undeterminable, but it was also potentially in the hands of outlaws. A number of scenarios came to mind, and none of them involved the word: [i]easy[/I]. The doctor no longer felt confident in her little mantra, but she said it aloud anyways for good luck. "Easy in, easy out." She grumbled in a half-assed tone.