[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] [b][u]Morris[/u][/b] While someone else had received the flier, Syed took advantage of his height to peer over them as they walked and look at it as well. He didn't pay much attention to it before, and he wanted to find out as much as possible before they got there. Oh, so it had a bit of a carnival type of thing around it? He was somewhat curious to see [i]that[/i] aspect of it for purely self-centred, nostalgia fueled reasons. If they had the opportunity, of course. Moira put her hands behind her head. She wasn't entirely suprised to find out Amy had a bad history with someone - she was a little spiky in demeanour. Like a cactus. Although... "I wonder what happened to piss her off so much..." she muttered to herself. Well whatever. Sure, she thought Amy was missing out on an opportunity here, but hell it wasn't like they were all joined at the hip. After all Marcus dissapeared on his own all the time. [i]"Who dat smelly guy? He's been following us for like the last ten minutes."[/i] "What?!" Moira exclaimed, spinning around. And yeah... there he was. With that damned drink still. Was he some kind of stalker? Just a wierdo? She frowned. "Oi!" she bellowed, putting her hands on her hips. "Why you stalkin' us? What do you want?" Syed cringed at how rude her words were. While it wasn't particularly odd for someone who was seemingly new to the village - Lady said she had never seen him before after all - following them, it was a little odd for him to not say a word to anyone. Not even the secretary. Not that it wasn't explainable or anything, although it did make the mage a little wary. Maybe he just really needed the toilet. It [i]did[/i] sound like quite the ordeal in there earlier. He was still quite eager to keep his distance as a result. "Are you lost?" he asked in a much friendlier tone. "Because I'm not sure if we're the best people to ask, we're not from around here." If he needed directions he would probably have better luck back in the village... but judging by the sounds that were beginning to be carried in the light breeze, they were probably getting closer to the circus at this point.