[Center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/u0DUfLq.jpg[/IMG][/center] Toby emerged from the space room after. The poor kid's face turned three different shades of green and he stumbled round the hall while clutching his stomach. Lesley raised an eyebrow and assisted the others by pulling them back onto ground level. Ace declared to let them have the second choice at the dozens of doors, but Toby was already dashing into one. Amiel had just mentioned something about the Queen having a pet lion and Lesley hoped that the room Toby just ran into wasn't a dangerous one. Feeling Riley pull him under her arm, she strolled straight through the entryway and into a beach. The sand beads felt like heaven under his toes once he'd kicked off his high heels. Those were a definite pain in the arse to wear and he wondered how girls could manage them on a daily basis. [b]Amiel:[/b] "You can change your clothes there." Once Amiel finished listing out all the fun that they could have, Lesley was rearin' to go. Jumping into a pair of black swim trunks, he didn't think much of it and tied his pink locks into a loose pony tail. Grabbing a swimming noodle before rushing out of the dressing rooms, he was ready for the beach! Ace emerged from behind him, and he had to say that she looked pretty eye catching in her bikini. "You look fantastic!" He commented and the two off them ran for the waves. [b]Ace:[/b] "Come on! The water is fine!" The look on her face said different, but he swam in anyway. Though it was a bit of a cold shock, his body easily adjusted to the temperature and soon enough, he was splashing away. Ace was trying out surfing and in no time, she had no trouble staying atop the thing. "Wow! Nice goin' Ace!" He cheered as he watched her ride the waves from a distance. Making his way back to the beach, he convinced Amiel to lay down in the sand and Lesley poured buckets of sand over the Nobody, packing it around the guy's body so he was clearly imprinted on the floor. Laughing, he wondered what the others were doing. "He guys! I'll head out and grab the others. I feel selfish with just us here," He was already running for the exit. dusting his legs of any sand, he stepped back into the hallway and to his surprise, he saw a crowd of them father down the corridor. Throwing his arm up, he waved wildly while sprinting towards them. "Hey! Over here!!!" Once he was closer to them, he took in their outfits one by one. "Wow! Who dressed you guys? You all look fabulous!" Lesley was rather impressed with there attire. "Too bad you're going to have to switch out of it. We found a beach room! Ace, Riley, Toby, and Amiel, a Nobody I picked up at the party, are already there!" Swatting the air for them to follow, he led the group to the room and they were all met with a warm, salty breeze at the entrance. "There are dressing rooms with swimsuits available inside, so get changed quick okay?" Smiling, he practically pushed the lot of them into the changing rooms before running back out to the water. "I found them! They're all getting changed right now," He announced. "Oh, this is going to be so fun!"