[img]http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h461/kathichan1/ariacastshot.png[/img] [u][b]Morris[/b][/u] Aria peered over Lulu's shoulders to glance at the flyer he had been handed. Looks like the circus wasn't a small affair; she could see everything from tightrope walking to beast taming to the various food stalls illustrated with great detail on the piece of paper. She wondered if they would have time to check out the carnival snacks; it had been a long while since she's had cotton candy or anything of the like. [i]"Who dat smelly guy? He's been following us for like the last ten minutes."[/i] Smelly guy? She turned with the rest of the group to spot the guy with the tummy problems from the guild walking behind them and sipping on a milkshake. Milkshakes on an upset stomach? She had a feeling he was going to be a regular visitor to the washroom today. Moira bellowed her suspicion while Syed and Lute were a bit more polite. From around the bend she could already start to hear the faint sounds of the circus and since he was travelling that way perhaps he was just trying to go to the circus as well like Lulu had suggested. And maybe he was the type of person who could get lost on a straight road and that was why he was following them so he wouldn't get lost? "If you are going to the circus I guess you could come with us?" She gave a hesitant offer, glancing around for the others' reactions. "Since we're heading over anyways, it shouldn't be problem, I think."