Hey guys, I'm back and I've moved back into the dorm (^w^)/ I just caught up with the IC, and I'd like to say good job everyone :)! Guys, thank you for making the right adjustments and for using our suggestions to help improve interaction between the fellow lost souls and the guides. Thank you for assisting us with the setup scenes as well, it's appreciated. I'll give those who haven't posted yet a chance to get their posts up, then I'll move everyone along by tomorrow night. We'll also resume regular posting cycles and the three day rule. Oh, and this next bit is just a reminder for the future. I understand that things will be busier now that school has started for most of us, but as usual, I would like to ask for at least one post every three days. I understand there'll be days when we feel too burned out to post, or days when we'll be buried in homework, so I won't mind if people miss cycles from time to time, but I will ask people to leave a heads up if they do :)! And if they don't leave a proper heads up, well, that'll be a problem. A simple "I'll have to miss this round etc." will suffice ^^ just so everyone knows what's up and stuff. Do I have your A-OKs on this? Announcements and reminders aside, I love what you guys did with the beach scene <3! Surfing sounds like it could be a lot of fun and Jasper in a full body scuba diving suit, oh boy. We'll probably have 3-4 more rounds of this then we're gonna end the interlude. Kathi-chan, would you like me to send something Brandu's and Marti's way? ^^ I'll have Harper stay behind and bond with Ran after the dance off. So, if you like I could have them go visit Marti or have some dessert with Brandy :D Alsoooo, it's been ages since we've done this [s]*cough* blame Aki *cough*[/s] Food dump time! 8D and I moved the crime AU to the first page. [hider=Dun Dun Dun][img]http://media.hamptonroads.com/cache/files/images/330651.jpg[/img] [img]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3101/2849140901_916325150b.jpg?v=0[/img] [img]http://www.taste.com.au/images/recipes/agt/2003/04/12984_l.jpg[/img] [img]https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2678/4485165365_8f714b69ac_z.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.checkourwork.com/agedrevised/images/lava-cake-med.jpg[/img][/hider]