Time had passed while the Keeper had been within his own mind, creating the first of his minions. When he opened his eyes, it was night, but not dark. The ever burning flames from the molten mountain kept the world around Ulmag illuminated with a red, almost organic, glow. It stood before him, in the center of the crater. The first of his minions, his fiend. The creature looked nothing short of amazing, absolutely terrifying, a vaguely humanesque body mixed up with fangs, talons, spikes, horns and red scaly skin. It breathed smoke, its insides glowing like the red-hot bowels of a smithy. It looked at its creator, uncertainty in its eyes. Suddenly, it coiled up, and moved to strike! Ulmag laughed in triumph as he struck the creature down, placing his clawed foot upon it as a sign of dominance, The creature squirmed beneath him, but soon realized it could not overcome this greater being. Ulmag released the fiend and kicked it from beneath him. It coiled up once more, but this time in defence. Ulmag, still smiling, adressed it. "Good! Good, my child! Anger becomes you, fiend, for it is in anger that I have created you. Anger at the tranquility of this World. Anger at the Beauty that is allowed to exist, uncontested and unmolested. And it is with anger that you will accept your place beneath me, fiend! You will do my bidding, and spread my rage throughout the world. That is your task. Your existance. Now begone, and multiply!" The creature hissed as Ulmag swatted at it, clawing its way into its new home in the mountainside. Ulmag, realizing he would need others to more directly control his newborn children, sat himself down once more in the crater, his Heart resting in his hands, and began meditating on his first adjutant: Gog. [hider=Status] First minion = 3/3 [u]Fiends[/u] are humanoid beings accustomed to the heat of the burning mountain, created from Ulmags anger. They have scaly red skin, talons on hands and feet, big fangs and tusks in their mouth, and horns on their foreheads. Spikes protrout from their spine, elbows and knees. Fiends are increadibly warm, and their breath can easily set flame to flamable things. While not being overly strong, agile or intelligent, the typical fiend is very endurant and stubborn. First Construct = 0/3 [/hider]