[center][img]http://i57.tinypic.com/2116trp.png[/img][/center] Ran smiled as he obligingly twirled Anna round one more time. He was happy she was having such a good time too. There was no point dancing if she didn’t enjoy what she did. He dipped her a little more confidently as both of them continued to praise each other. Ms. Anna was being too kind. She did a fantastic job keeping up with him. He slowed down a little as the speakers crackled to life. He remained with his arm round Anna’s waist as they waltzed slowly around the dance floor. [quote=Announcer]"Carrot cakes, ladies, gentlemen, and cheese graters! It looks as if one pair is dominating the dance floor. Oh it looks like this year a human is going to win! Are these two lovebirds going to win the 5,000 stars? Yes? NO? MAYBE? Well, as of now, they're blowing us all away!"[/quote] His chest tightened a little as the strange warmth raced up to his face. He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. [i]Surely no one thought he was that good?[/i] The other couples were now clapping for them. He beamed and paused. Gently he interlaced his fingers with Anna’s then he thrust their interlocked hands up into the air. His partner looked at him, and he winked. She seemed genuinely surprised and yet very ecstatic. [i]Why not? Both of them deserved the same amount of recognition. They were partners after all.[/i] Simultaneously both of them bowed as the crowd cheered. [quote=Casper]"Whoa, Whoa, slow down there fellas. We aren't losing just yet. The night is young, my friends."[/quote] That was the man from before! The very same man he bumped into earlier. [i]Oh gosh![/i] Ran hoped Casper had forgotten who he is, but judging by the way Leena had looked at them, he doubted it. The two of them seemed very different somehow – more arrogant and something else - he can’t quite put his finger on it. He winced as Anna tightened her grip. His knuckles were slowly turning white. Then suddenly she let go as their so-called rivals began laughing. Her fists were balled. [quote=Anna]"We're taking your challenge! Just because you've won five cycles in a row doesn't mean we won't wipe the floor with you now. This man right here, well, he's a dancing genius!"[/quote] Ran found his hand lifted up in the air once more. She dropped his hand once more as the other couples stepped away from the dance floor. She remained pissy and a little sulky. He patted her right shoulder gently to calm her down. “Ms. Anna, don’t get mad. We need to keep calm if we want to beat them.” She managed to pull herself together a few minutes before the spotlight fell on them. Ran stared mesmerized at the disco ball descending from above. Since when did they have a disco ball? Remembering his objective and what was at stake, he quickly turned his attention back to Casper and Leena. He watched the male Nobody moonwalk to the other end of the dance floor. The moves were impressive, but he would rather do something everyone else can enjoy, especially Ms. Anna, who seemed extremely fond of spinning and twirling. He pounded his fisted right hand onto the palm of his right hand as Leena began moonwalking. That’s it! Quickly he whispered his ideas to partner. He observed her reaction to gauge if she was familiar with some of the moves, and when she seemed puzzled, the described the moves with as much detail as possible. He stood up. Leena reached Casper. She froze with her hand outstretched towards her partner. The momentum changed as soon as he grabbed her hand. The man put his hands round the female Nobody’s waist and then tossed her into the air. Even Ran clapped when Casper caught Leena, but he then laughed sheepishly as Anna huffed and crossed her arms. Oh boy, it would have been a little less stressful if Ms. Anna would show a bit more sportsmanship. Still it was there turn now. He held onto her hand as he turned to face her. He remained fixed in that position as he turned his head off to the side. “Can we change the music please? Let’s have something a little more classical. Maybe … [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5rmOrXtyuc]Fur Elise with a techno twist[/url]?” The music broke off, and expectant silence hung in the air. Ran tapped his foot nervously as Anna smoothed her skirt a little. A soft murmur broke out from their audience. Soon a tune could be heard. Ran bowed as Anna curtsied. He held his right hand up in front of him with his palm facing his partner. His left arm tucked behind his back. Anna mirrored his action. She pressed her left hand against his. Her right arm hung at her side. Slowly the two of them circled round each other. After two rounds he wrapped his left arm round her waist as his right hand held onto her hand. He twirled her, and then dipped her a little and then pulled her up. They took a step back and then spun around and around. Their steps grew faster and faster as the tempo picked up. He flung his left arm outwards. Anna flung her right arm likewise. He circled off to in the direction of his left arm was pointing to, and she mimicked him. He stopped when he had circled three times. They were stood side by side facing the same direction. Ran took a deep breath. It was now or never! He prayed that the Nobodies would enjoy their little Bollywood inspired boogie. He bent to his left. His left hand reaching downwards as his right hand reached upwards. Anna’s right hand reached downwards while her left hand reached upwards. Both of them then spun in a circle. First they went counterclockwise and then clockwise. They both stopped when they were facing the front once more. With their feet spread apart then brought their hands together and clapped. The duo rolled their hands round in front of their chest as they bent backwards. Slowly they leaned forward and as they bent their knees. Next they slapped their knees with their hands. Ran now bent downwards in Anna’s direction and she bent downwards in his. Each of them had one hand reaching upwards and the other reaching downwards. This time when they ended, Ran reached up into the air and then bent in Anna’s direction. All ten fingers were now pointing at her. She waited till he was done. She copied his moves. When she finally stopped, their fingers were woven together. He swung their arms upwards as they spun counter clockwise. They ended up facing each other with only right arms arched above. He twirled her like a top twice as he pulled her towards him. She ended up standing just in front of him. Their arms locked in front of her stomach as they stepped forward and backward synchronously. There was definitely loads of cheering and cat-calling. He allowed her to lead as they continued dancing. "Let's go back to our snazzy begining!" Finding a natural pause, they swung out again till they stood side by side, approximately two arm’s length apart. They were facing same direction. Both of them clapped and then bent their knees. They swung right fist in the air then their left first. They straightened up as their arms stretched upwards. [url=http://createneedlepoint.typepad.com/.a/6a00e54f768a598833014e607fc7a9970c-320wi]Their palms clapped together above their head and they brought the hands together in front of their chest.[/url] They leaned forward and bowed Thai style before they repeated their Jai Ho inspired moves. The familiar opening bars of the Fur Elise were played once again. Ran held out his hand with his palm facing Anna once more. She spun round twice as her skirt flared up. He saw her white petticoat just before her palm made contact with his. Anna smiled as she panted slightly, and he pretended he didn't see the "little indiscretion" just now. He hated to embarrass her suddenly when they were doing so well. Slowly they circled each other as he gradually wrapped his left arm round her waist. He spun her one final time and then he dipped her. Anna’s head hovered a mere two inches above the ground. The only thing that stopped her from falling was Ran’s left arm. His right arm was held up in the air. His pointer finger and middle finger making the victory sign. And the lights went off… “You danced divinely, Ms. Anna. I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did.”