"So this is ESMiD?" Re asked, examining the apartment room that Adam had brought him to. "Couldn't it be a little... Nicer?" Adam smirked, unhooking a key from his belt. "You'll wanna remember the number." Inside the room was no more impressive than what he saw in the hallway: junk lay all over the floor, and there was a door to his right that looked like it led into a bedroom. He couldn't see anyone waiting to ambush him, at least. He watched as Adam made his way to a bookshelf, moved a book, then brought something out of his pocket, placing it where the book had been. There was a [i]thunk![/i] and some barely audible clicks, and the shelf swung inward. "Oh," Re said, "You've got a whole [i]two[/i] apartments, then. Nice." Disregarding him, Adam stepped through the opening, motioning for Re to follow. Inside, there was a wall plastered with holoscreens displaying maps, an occasional bio, and a couple live camera feeds. To the other side was a set of dull metal boxes lined with guns. They had shipping numbers on the sides indicating that they should've gone to BESC facilities. A man in a suit was referring to a computer on his lap, too intent on his work to look up, and there were a few other agents tending to their weapons. A girl with blonde hair that fell halfway down her body leaped up when she saw him. "Hi! I'm Ash! I'm in charge of the weapons here," she said, hugging him. When she drew back, she had taken all of his guns. "Are these all nonsolid firing?" "I don't like dealing with clips," Re reasponded. "If you buy 'em, people tend to notice. It takes a few clips to perform a proper raid, after all." "Yeah, but you need batteries for these." "Don't need to buy near half as much as you d with bullets, though." She shrugged. "Fair enough." She tossed him his FL-9, and he caught it with a swift grab. "So," he said to Adam with a smile. "This is ESMiD."