As approved by Gisk. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• [b]Name[/b]: Vaeros Daerev [b]Alias[/b]: Garuda [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Height[/b]: 6' [b]Weight[/b]: 160 lbs. [b]Build[/b]: Lithe [b]Appearance[/b]: Vaeros has golden skin, and intense orange eyes. Feathers the color of flames grow from his head, down his neck and back, and along his arms. He has several black geometric designs painted onto his body, starkly contrasting with the almost luminous gold of his skin. [b]Apparel/Costume[/b]: Vaeros doesn't have much need of clothing on a personal level, but he follows the native customs of modesty. However, due to his nature, most types of clothing don't last long in close proximity, so he opts for highly flame-resistant articles. His typical attire actually consists of a set of firefighting trousers and a thick leather girdle, where he keeps his weapon sheathed. [b]Powers and Abilities[/b]: Vaeros is a member of a race descended from mythical creatures. Whether some form of interspecies breeding or experiments conducted by mystics on his homeworld, the blood of phoenixes course through their veins. - When a member of his race is slain, they explode, and are reduced to a pile of ashes and a black glass orb, about six inches across. This egg can be salvaged, and a sort of larval form of the slain being hatches after 24 hours. This creature is a new being, with no memories of the original. - Due to his phoenix heritage, Vaeros constantly gives off enough heat to burn a variety of objects on contact. Touching his skin is quite painful, and his weapon also conducts the heat he gives off. This heat also makes it impossible for him to get sick or succumb to poison, as these foreign agents simply burn away once they enter his body. He can suppress this heat, but it makes him somewhat uncomfortable to do so. - When exposed to fire, Vaeros' body responds positively, healing most forms of injury through contact and the mystical nature of his heritage. If he is uninjured, this often serves to give him a boost of energy. - Using the fire of his spirit, Vaeros can produce several effects. He can generate light, either on his person, stationary, or attached to an object. He can conjure flames to his hands, using them as a torch or as a missile to be thrown at his foes. He can fire a blast of intense heat from his hands. He can also conjure flames that surround his entire body. (All of these do not have the healing effect that other fire does, so he cannot simply immolate himself when the need arises.) [b]Skills[/b]: Vaeros is a skilled lookout. He has particularly sharp senses, and is adept at getting around his environment. Since his time on Earth, however, he has found difficulty in navigating cityscape. He failed miserably at his first attempts at what the humans call "parkour" and "free-running," but he makes it a point to try and learn what he can from the more acrobatic members of the team. [b]Personality[/b]: Vaeros treasures freedom above all else. Whenever his freedom, or the freedom of others is threatened, he becomes extremely vehement in his desire to right the perceived wrong. He shares this trait with his ancestors, who made a reputation for themselves of slave liberators and tyrant slayers. On a day-to-day level, he favors simple pleasures such as cooking, reading, telling and listening to stories, and exploring. He is usually easy to get along with, and often adopts a friendly expression around others. [b]History[/b]: Born into another world, Vaeros only lived for a few years before joining a small band of freedom fighters, who attempted to overthrow a violent warlord. At first, all things seemed to be going well, until - in the eleventh hour - the warlord used his wild card, a powerful mage who, using the power of some ancient artifact, cast the band out of existence. They simply ceased to be in their home world. Vaeros holds that, if he emerged on Earth, the others must have come out somewhere else as well, in one piece and unharmed as he was. Unfortunately, none that Vaeros has spoken to have been able to help him in his goal of finding them. Whatever means had been used to remove him from his home had not left any trace that Earth technology was capable of detecting. At first dejected by his loss, Vaeros eventually answered the call to serve once again, finding this new world to be in need of aid just as much as the old. Seeing no reason to avoid giving his help, he became a fighter of injustice once again. After a year or so, he learned that he had attracted the attention of other heroes, and he was invited to join them. Always one to enjoy being in a group of like-minded individuals, he accepted the invitation, and became a Teen Titan.