[B][I]Name - [/I][/B]Kira [B][I]Alias - [/I][/B]Cyber Girl [B][I]Gender - [/I][/B]Female [B][I]Age - [/I][/B] 16 Height: 198 cm (78 inches) Weight: 125 kg (275 pounds) Build: Athletic Slender Appearance: [Center][IMG]http://fantasyinspiration.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/randis-1.jpg[/IMG][/Center] Apparel/Costume: Kira's body suit is woven of Ir'sal Silk and form fitted to her body along with various attachments for her Vac-suit or Powered Armor and can deflect the penetrate power of small arms or blades At present she has no earth style clothing and is unaware of what is an isn't considered proper [B][I]Powers - [/I][/B] [U][B][I]Technopathy[/U][/B][/I] Kira can manipulate technology and technological constructs, computers, robots, hardware and other devices that can be termed as "technology". Manifested as a special form of electrical/telekinetic manipulation, a special form of "morphing" which allows physical interaction with machines, or even a psychic ability that allows mental interface with computer data. Kira can control the flow of intricate machinery and can allow them to assemble or disengage their programming at will. Can operate most technology just by touching or looking. [U][B][I]Power Flaw[/U][/B][/I] Due to the fact that Kira comes from so High tech a civilization the function of many earth machines escapes her though she is hoping to learn their primitive functions. [Hider=Flaw Examples] Many house hold appliances are a mystery to her as they require food stuffs and without them are something of a mystery. To Kira a Toaster appears to be an oddly constructed hand warmer or a poorly designed space heater and blenders along with their cousins food processors are a complete mystery. Her concept of many automobiles is while accurate in primary function far off in others. She believes the automobile is a transportation device who's secondary function is Terraforming because of the exhaust it emits. [/Hider] [U][B][I]Restoration[/U][/B][/I] Kira can repair and return any broken or damaged machine to its optimal state no matter how long it has been broken or how damaged it was. How long this takes is dependent on the size an complexity of the machine in question. [U][B][I]Technopathic Perception:[/U][/B][/I] Kira can read electronic signals, sort of like mind reading for machines. Can be used to "talk" to computers or interrogate them (Hack) for information Enhanced strength lift 300 kg, leap 8 meters vertical or 30 meters horizontal (Due to the heavy gravity of her homeworld) Amphibious (she can breath in either water or air) [B][I]Skills - [/I][/B]. Stellar Navigation, Zero-G Combat and Maneuvering. Kel'Saret (Unarmed Combat), Twi'Pri (Twin Medium Sword style), Ship to Ship Tactics. Combat Piloting, Spinal Weapons Gunnery and First Aid. [B][I]Personality - [/I][/B] Free Spirited, Driven, Aggressive [B][I]History - [/I][/B] Kira is born of the third House of the Celestial Dragon Ki'Hetz (War Leader) and a human male diplomat father Charles Kent. Raised in the Ko'Secti Space faring House like her house sisters Kira was Creche taught and encouraged to aim higher than those around her. Her mother's people all racial telepaths in the beginning believed that because Kira could not hear nor speak mentally that she was handicapped. That was till at the age of 9 she was found to be talking with machines all around herself and getting them to bend to her bidding Kira was a cyberpath. This was a rare talent among the Ko'Secti but also one that immediately excluded Kira the ability of ever setting foot on the mother where tech is considered Taboo Graduating at 15 from the Celestial Dragon's war school Kira's mother encouraged her daughter to travel an broaden her skills. Kira was given a Black Dagger Long Range Scout ship to find a suitable world on which to hone her skills. (This ship can only be used like the Vac-suit or Powered Armor with GM permission) Setting course to the Fendail system Kira stopped off in order to find information on possible destinations. While there she heard three Kelis discussing a world called earth where they said a Green Lantern hailed from and had resisted several attacks by outsiders all on their own with the power of fantastic beings of that world. This excited Kira to hear of a world filled with such beings so she found a syntac that said they could down load to her the most common three languages of earth English, Mandarin an Latin. (Oh the Linguistic programing she received was substandard) After undergoing the procedure Kira turned her ship towards earth and headed with all haste to the Sol system. Shortly after passing the Ort Cloud Kira began a communications search coupled with a compatibility cross reference to find where she might be able to fit in the best. When her ship found the Teen Titans and their tales then cross referenced the teams average Kira knew she'd found a place to train at till she reached majority in her race and could return. [B][I]Notes[/I][/B] Ko'Sect is a planet circling a blue-white Giant star in a portion of the Milky way galaxy known as the Abyss of Stars. A large world with over 92 % of it's surface is covered in water with only one pseudo continent that accounts for only 4% of the land mass above water. At 1.7 G it is one of only a handful of inhabited heavy G worlds. It's people the Ko'Secti are a matriarchal society due to the low incident of male births (70 to 1 ; female to male) Due to coming from an amphibious predator they developed a racial telepathy which allowed them to communicate. Their voices slightly higher pitched were used for sonar but later adapted to speak to visitors from other worlds. They shun the use of technology on their mother world believing it shows weakness before their goddess who tests them in every way. This doesn't mean their world is easy prey though as they are protected by the three moons of the Celestial Dragon. The Celestials are the space arm of the Ko'Secti and their war tech highly advanced