[center][img=http://www.image-maps.com/m/private/0/9tbp1e8kincss3qdql6s2j9412_hazuki.nagisa.600.1753861.jpg][/center] [i][b]THWOMP![/b][/i] [i]"Whoa!"[/i] Toby rolled in the sand away from the jet ski that had apparently fallen from nowhere, if the thing had just been a few inches to the right it would've crushed him. "Ooooo," His body was overcome with excitement at the sight of the vehicle. He was never really that good at driving, so trying to maneuver the water using a jet ski was probably a death wish. It wouldn't be his first death wish since coming here though. Even so, he preferred to feel the ocean surround his body once more. It had been too long since he went for a swim. "I wanna play!" He shouted as he stood up and observed his friends. It was probably safe to assume Amiel was the source of all the goodies. Clothes flew into the air as Toby jogged towards the new wardrobe. He practically ripped the dress shirt off and hopped on one leg as he kicked off the pants. By the time he had approached the dressing room he was in his boxers. No doubt it was a great feeling to finally have an excuse to take off the tuxedo. Inside the dressing room Toby realized the odds of finding a beach out of all the doors in the hallway, not only that but to have such a cool guide like Amiel with them, it was too perfect. The sounds of splashing and laughter only made him anxious and he wanted nothing more than to jump into the water. The first pair of swimming apparel he laid eyes on were already around his waist within a matter of seconds and he was out the dressing room almost as fast as he had come in, this time wearing a [url=http://i01.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/1704194803_1/New-Design-Green-Lantern-Spandex-Swim-Briefs-Men-2-Colors-Men-s-Knee-Swimming-Trunks-Olympic.jpg]pair of swimming spandex[/url] instead of boxers. "Woooooohooo!!" Toby sprinted through the coastline and water splashed into the air with each step he took before finally he ran straight into the ocean until his legs could no longer feel the floor. Taking a big, long breath, Toby dove underwater and began to swim about freely, letting the water take control, guiding his body whichever way it pleased. He spent a brief amount of time in his own aquatic world, periodically coming up for only for air. Eventually he found himself sitting on the ocean floor, around 20 or 30 ft below water, trying to hold his breath as long as possible. After about a minute or so of sitting with his legs crossed, Toby's eyes shot open as he observed the view in front of him. His eyes moved from side to side, admiring all the blue. The biggest smile one could give whilst underwater was on his face, his long messy hair moved about on it's own free will and looked like it was floating. This was an absolutely grand party indeed. Eventually the boy emerged from underwater, shaking his head back and forth like a dog. He floated in the water aimlessly for only a little and watched with delight as his new friends were enjoying themselves. Eventually his eyes laid on Amiel, who seemed to still be standing beside all the goodies and what not, observing happily. Toby's eyes grew big followed with a mischievous grin. Quickly he began swimming towards the shore. "Amiel!" The boy shouted as he stomped onto the beach, "You beautiful man! what are you doing on the beach!" Quickly he bent over to scoop up a pair of goggles and flippers, "It would be a crime to not swim in this water! Come on you silly suit wearing suit wearer," Toby shoved the goggles and flippers into Amiel's arms and jumped behind Amiel, grabbing him by the arms and pushing him towards the dressing room, "Come on come on come on!" "There are dressing rooms with swimsuits available inside, so get changed quick okay?" Toby heard the pretty pink haired painter girl, or, Lesley, yelling out the door they had come through and tightened his grip on the nobody, peeking his head above Amiel's shoulder as he watched several people he sort of recognized enter the room. The boy was glad to see that the others were here to join them, "HELLO!" He shouted, waving from behind Amiel with a big smile on his face. "Are you all here to have fun too?!"