[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] [b][u]Morris Outskirts[/u][/b] "You ain't seriously... urgh!" Moira exclaimed as Trixie accepted Eric's request with little thought. This guy seemed dodgy as hell! He pissed the shit outta her already! Syed said nothing, although as usual he had difficulty hiding the clearly dubious expression on his face. He was bothered by how hard Eric was to read, in terms of body-language. His words didn't match it at all. Even a liar will try and match them up, but this guy just... didn't. It confused the hell out of him and he had no real idea what to do. Other than introduce himself. Although the man seemed to have no real interest in that either, since he talked over Lute. "I ain't stashing my shit behind some tree where any old fucker could find it," Moira said suddenly in response to Lute, folding her arms. "No fucking way. You guys [i]know[/i] what happened last time. I ain't waking up all drugged up in some basement again." She turned, and began to carry on walking. It seemed this was something she was really unwilling to budge on. "[i]If[/i] they're dodgy," Syed reminded her. "It's too late anyway," he shrugged. "It's not just our weapons, it's our outfits too. Some of us have got armor on, some of us are pretty obviously dressed as magic users. They'll see through it even if we hide the weapons." It was a shame they had left the Guild already, they could have actually changed and stored their stuff there. "We can just tell them we're travelling Guilders, right? I mean, it's true. They needn't know we've got any other reason to be there other than having seen the flyer and come to have a break," he shrugged towards Xan, who by now was the one with the sheet of paper. He then looked back to Eric. Ohhhh, this was really bothering him now the man had pointed it out. He fidgeted. "Sy," he said quickly, before he turned back again to catch up with Moira.