[img]http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h461/kathichan1/ariacastshot.png[/img] [u][b]Morris Outskirts[/b][/u] Aria let go of Lute's arm slowly, patting the frustrated virtuoso on the head. She was very much amused by this strange man- he was frustrating yes, but [i]very[/i] funny. In her opinion at least; she doubted Moira nor Lute would share her view. Trixie started to wave her guns around rather dangerously, swinging them here and there before pointing them at Eric's shoulder. Was that safe? It would be a rather horrid start to the mission if she ended up shooting a random guilder. Or was he a civilian? She couldn't really tell. She peered at him more closely but he didn't seem to be carrying any weapons nor he did he look like a magic user either. Maybe he was just in there to put up a job? At Trixie's signal she took out the posters to show Eric. Luckily the girl stepped away from the man before anyone was hurt, but continued her wild motioning with the firearms. She did have a point, however. Their weapons, even if the circus did let them in, might attract attention that would make investigating much harder. Her own were hidden on her body and not visible, but the swords hung at the waists of her companions and the armor might be rather hard to hide. "I could try to hide them," she tapped her chin in thought, Lute's sword seemingly dissolving into thin air before wisping back into view again. "But I don't think I can keep it up for very long if I had to cloak everyone's, not to mention we'll have to stick in a tight group all the time." She supposed they could say they were guilders, but wouldn't that cause the circus to keep a tight eye on them anyways if they were behind the missing people? "I don't suppose there's any way we could sneak in, perhaps? A back door or anything like that?"