Eve had to stop herself from grinning. These guys were idiots if they allowed such high odds in a first fight. Even if it was against a champion. Or was it really good business for them too? Jurgen had said something about the bookie making quite a bit of money if she won. The two headed to the arena, where fighting was already happening. Not Big Jim but some other guy. And already Eve saw that the fighting here was on a higher level than in the bar. It was probably to be expected. Finally Big Jim came out. An 8 foot tall robot, not even an android. Though he did seem to have a brain chip, as he wasn't being remote controlled or anything. "If it wasn't for the money we wouldn't even be out here right now..." The robot's owner muttered as he followed the bot to the ring. "And up next we have a highly unlikely match-up!" The announcer spoke through a mic. "Big Jim will be fighting a newcomer! A...home made training droid? Well anyway, here he is...Biiiiigg Jiiiimm!" The bot stepped into the arena, and the crowd started cheering for it. "Big Jim! Big Jim! Big Jim!" Eve just smirked, this was going to be fun it seemed. Next she stepped into the cage. And once again people were cheering for Jim. "Smash her to bits!" "Show 'er why you're number one Big Jim!" And other things like that. "Target acquired. Small humanoid android. You're only getting out in pieces, android." The big robot spoke in a semi-electronic sounding voice. "As always, since this is Big Jim, the fight will be broken up into 5 minute rounds, where the challenger has 2 minutes to recover between rounds! Fighters, are you ready?" "Affirmative." Big Jim answered. "Ready." Eve replied with a monotone voice. The countdown started, and once it reached zero Big Jim started on the offense right away. His arms seemed to work with large, heavy pistons. So they would be a bit slower, but pack one hell of a punch. So once again Eve figured this wouldn't be too hard of a fight. However the bot was faster than she had expected. Much faster than the guys in the bar. She tried to dodge, but the punch still grazed her shoulder. Which threw her off balance. "What--" She muttered, being caught off guard to say the least. Another punch quickly followed, which Eve managed to block with her arm. Still the sheer force of it threw her back against the fences. The crowd cheered loudly, liking that the fight wasn't over just yet, but that their favourite was winning either way. Eve only had a cracked armor plate at her shoulder now, so nothing bad yet. But it was time to do some damage of her own. She charged right in, wanting to use the bot's height to her advantage, and trying to duck below his arms. She made it, but when her punch connected with it's gut, only a small dent was made. Big Jim grabbed her and threw her right into the fence again. Then something weird happened. The owner of Big Jim called for a time-out. He turned to Jurgen with a smug grin on his lips. "I'm gonna win this, but your droid's tough. The fights not fun this way...the crowd needs to be pleased. So I'll give for a minute to make some last minute adjustments if you want." (I imagine the pit looking like this, but in a warehouse instead of a parking lot: http://seijimei.deviantart.com/art/The-Fight-Pit-96040981 )