[center][img]http://i58.tinypic.com/21kdvm9.jpg[/img][/center] Songbird's words went in one ear and out the other, he was spacing out more than usual lately, though he managed to catch bits and pieces of information. A few sentences here and there that involved the hooded figures and crime. It was Inadi who snapped him out of his little daze. The older boy shook him by the shoulders and began talking cheerfully about all the grapes. Awhile ago he took a bite out of the chocolate lava cake and the boy had to admit it tasted very good. "I'll try it later," he saw what his friend was trying to do and he appreciated it, but he just felt all empty-ish and no matter how hard he tried to bounce back, it wouldn't exactly go away. Still, after that talk with Songbird, he felt significantly better. "Hey Inadi, thanks, but I'll pass on the offer this time." He nodded in their direction. "I'll see you all later, have fun with the others." He tapped Inadi on the shoulder, gave Songbird and Jasper a weary smile then pretty much headed back into the main ballroom. Unfortunately, the party was still in full swing and it didn't look like it would end soon. He found an empty table and sat down, and just as he did a spotlight blinded him. Harper's eyes flitted to the couple standing beneath it and what he saw next put a small smile on his face. It was Ran and a Nobody, dancing like pros. The crowd hooted and cheered and for some reason their happiness was quite infectious. Ran and Anna stirred up the entire crowd and he watched them, speechless. He didn't know Ran that well, but he had seen the man doing all sorts of odd jobs around the castle. To be honest, he never struck him as a professional dancer, but here he was knocking everyone's socks off. When the lights died down, Harper didn't even think twice, the boy rose from his seat and joined the cheering. [center][img]http://i62.tinypic.com/2wm2czk.jpg[/img][/center] "Ladies and gentlemen! It looks like the crowd has spoken." The speakers crackled to life. "Everyone, please scream for the winning team!" The room went silent before the same voice echoed throughout the room. "Will it be our returning champions!" Nobodies began screaming like crazy. "Orrrrr, will our newcomers win?" The entire room erupted into cheers and Harper laughed, it was clear who the winners would be. "Folks, I can't believe my own eyes, but this cycle's winners are the newcomers! Step onto the stage and claim your prize." The spotlight moved across the room and onto the stage. On it, a woman in a white cocktail dress held up a trophy filled with stars. Anna couldn't believe it, and she grinned from ear to ear. "That was absolutely amazing!" The Nobody had stars in her eyes. "By far, you are the best partner I ever had, Niran!" She hugged him before getting onto her toes and kissing him on the cheek. This man was wonderful, and it was a shame he would be leaving on more missions soon. The duo were ushered onto the stage and handed the trophy while the crowd went wild. As soon as it was over, Casper approached them with another envelope of stars. He congratulated them then walked away with Leena. "Congratulations you two," Harper was standing by a table not too far away. "That dance really was something." --- [center][img]http://i57.tinypic.com/mww4r5.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i57.tinypic.com/mww4r5.jpg[/img][/center] So, that Lesley was a man? Hah, the strawberry locks had definitely fooled him. Oh well, it wasn't like it mattered. He was still a fun person and he still had a pretty face. "With that dress on, I mistook you for a woman." He let out a hearty laugh as the human buried him in the sand. It was a lovely day. Ace was surfing and Riley had just burst out of one of the changing rooms. Toby did the same and he watched as the human began storming towards him. "Ha, what is it? Do you need help with any of the equipment? Whoa, whoa." Soon enough the boy was pushing him towards one of the changing rooms while some of the other humans began yelling happily at more humans? "Okay, okay, I'm going. Make sure you show the other humans the changing room as well--" He paused when Riley began yelling about something. "ACE!" Her eyes were as wide as saucers. Sticking out from beneath the sea was a shark fin. "SHARK." Before she could say more a dark shadow of a large fish became visible from the surface and the giant fish began making a beeline for the surfer. At first Amiel had a mini heart attack but then he remembered the queen's pet. Charles was as harmless as a goldfish, but he didn't say anything. Seeing the human's reactions would be priceless.