[img]http://i.imgur.com/J8VStXo.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ZEQcnsM.png[/img] Eh, this guy sure was a weirdo. Lucien narrowed his eyes at the man with the milkshake. He was just starring? Well, two could play at that game! He prepared his meanest stare, but Moira made him flinch when she bellowed angrily. Ah, the boss to the rescue. If anyone could shake the answers out of Mr. Farts a lot then it had to be her. Unlike Lucien, Xan's expression went blank the moment he mentioned someone dying, but then he said it would be him? Well, he was certainly a confusing fellow, but at least he wasn't acting hostile and that was something, but he was still suspicious. [i]“Can I come with you? My niece kinda went missing, and I’m looking for her...”[/i] Oh. Xan lowered her guard a little then arched an eyebrow at the others. However, instead of a simple answer Trixie let out a burst of enthusiasm before pointing her weapons at the man. She also threw around a bunch of useful questions. "Kidnapped, huh? Things just keep getting worse and worse, Lute's right though." Lucien's eyes landed on Moira. "Boss, I love your sword, I really do, but the guards aren't going to like it one bit--oh gods, I mean they'll love it." As soon as she started yelling angrily, he changed his words and scurried behind Lute. "The traveling guilder idea doesn't sound bad," Xan nodded in Syed's direction, but the idea was killed the moment Eric gave them even more information. "Heh, what if we sneak up on a bunch of clowns and steal their costumes!" Lucien slammed a fist into his empty palm. "We can't do that. They're innocent until proven guilty and that would only get us into trouble." She turned to the begging Eric who was practically kneeling in front of Estelle. "We'll definitely do our best." Them not having their weapons didn't sound too good. "What if the weapons are tiny? Lucien's cards don't look too suspicious and Syed doesn't carry around a visible weapon." Xan's own weapon was her arm, so it wouldn't be too suspicious. "Maybe Aria can focus her illusions on those of us who are more suspicious?" Lucien popped up behind her. "Or, do you have any ideas? You know more about the circus than we do."