Name: Lim Liquin (Quin for short) Alias: Silk Worm Gender: Female Age: 16 Height: 4’8” Weight: 100lbs soaking wet. Build: Pear shaped. Appearance: Quin is a lovely girl, pale peachy toned skin that is always clean, smooth. Her face is always completely made-up, and she keeps her long black hair carefully styled and coiled in some interesting manner. Quin certainly dresses to impress. She makes many of her own clothes and accessories, taking inspiration from the latest trends in fashion, art, and media. She can go through a ‘phase’ like Madonna, or simply try something new once and awhile. Her collection grows as she is constantly making new things, shopping, and revamping her style. [img=] Apparel/Costume: Silk Worm’s costume varies a bit each time she goes out. She dresses for the occasion. However there are some common themes. Cape: Not only does it make her look quite suave with it’s long and flowing hemline, but it can be used in cloak-and-dagger style fighting, and when fully extended it can act as a sail or a set of wings to glide upon. It is made entirely from spider silk. Umbrella: Not only does it keep the rain off, but the umbrella can also act as a shield, It is as light as a normal umbrella, but as strong as riot shield an officer might use. Fan: A pretty weapon, not only can it keep her cool on a hot day, but it has a razor sharp edge. The fan is a traditional Kung Fu weapon which is where she learned to use it. Pockets: She has tons of hidden pockets under her cloths. For all the little things she needs! Can’t go anywhere without extra lip balm… Rope: She has a long coil of thick rope. Not only can it be used to scale a building or a cliff edge, but she can use her power to make it a long snakelike appendage to fight with like a whip or lasso, for for other utilitarian purposes. Bracelets and necklaces: Her arms, neck, wrists, and even ankles are adorned with woven and beaded bracelets. Of all materials, hemp, wool, silk, alpaca… Each type of fiber has a slightly different advantage. This method helps her ensure she will never run out of ammo. The weaving pattern of the jewelry is an efficient way to carry miles of fiber without much fuss. Her outfit is ever evolving. She is constantly tweaking it, changing the hemline and the design. For different mission she might bring a different set of necklaces or outfits. Powers and Abilities: Her talent lies in fibers and fabrics, natural fabrics to be more specific. She has the ability to manipulate these materials as she touches them, or change their nature when she weaves them. For example: Cloth-kinesis: She has to be touching the material for it to work. When touching a natural fiber or fabric, she has telekinetic control over it. She can change it’s shape, make it move in the way and direction she wills it, she can control it as if it becomes an extension of herself, like an arm or a tentacle. The bigger the fabric the more effort it requires, and the less-pure the fabric is the more difficult it would be. Crafting super-cloths: She makes a lot of her own clothes and fabrics, if she is weaving them herself she can permanently affect the nature of the material. For example, making a fabric more sturdy, or waterproof, or bullet proof, or reflective or… any number of things. The more complicated the attribute the more time and concentration is required, or perhaps she will have to find a specific or rare fiber. Limitations: Touch: She must be touching the fabric with her body. Natural fibers only: She can only force her will upon fibers made from organic materials. Therefore man made fabrics and materials such as polyester, nylon, and Kevlar are beyond her capabilities to manipulate. Skills: Crafty: Sewing, knitting, needlepoint, crochet, crafting, weaving, drafting… In all the things most popular on pinterest Quin is quite talented. Bilingual: She speaks English and Chinese. Kung Fu: She has learned Kung Fu from her family, who own and operate a small Kung Fu School in Jump City. Their style, which they call Lim-Gar (“Lim family style”), is considered an ‘internal’ style of martial art. The emphasis is on meditation, mental training, controlling chi, and soft movements that redirect the opponent's energy rather than oppose it with brute force. Quin is hardly an expert or master of this style, but as a result of her training she is even-tempered in a fight, flexible, agile, and able to defend herself against untrained combatants. Musical: Plays the violin, and guitar, and piano. Domestic skills: She has a knack for cooking, cleaning and organizing. Personality: Quin is friendly and excitable. Warm and whimsical. She can be somewhat superficial, as she is often focused on the beauty-of-a-thing, however as a crafts-person she understands that bringing out the beauty-of-a-thing requires patience and careful work, both of which she is willing to put forward. She has some odd habits and tendencies, such as collecting bugs for her spider-pets in public places, or pushing the tag on the back of your shirt away without warning you. These things might put other people off but Quin herself is never uncomfortable in her own skin. Quin exudes confidence that is tough to deter. History: Quin was raised by her parents in the China-Town of Jump City. She spent most of her time in her family's Kung-Fu studio. She certainly enjoyed herself there, but her passion and talent were not for the martial arts. From a young age little Quin was always getting her hands on something and changing it’s shape, crafting it into something else. Her parents encouraged this, and after some trial and error in an attempt to focus her they found their daughter was most fond of fabric. This made her mother happy, as it seemed young Quin was taking after her late grandmother had been a very talented seamstress and laundress, some people claimed that what her grandmother did was like magic! but that was a long time ago and an old wives tale. She learned traditional sewing from her mother and the other women in her community. Occasionally they would see her doing something odd, but just figured it was her way of being creative and experimenting. Yet they began to suspect that she was more than just a talented seamstress. At age eight Quin put on a magic show for her father’s birthday, and pulled the table-cloth out from under the dining table without spilling any contents. The long table sat 40 people. They found her harboring and protecting spiders, worms, and moths in her room. At first her parents were outrage, she cried and cried when they made her get rid of her ‘friends’ and wouldn’t speak with them afterward. She became very depressed, her parents took her to a doctor (who found nothing wrong with her), and then an acupuncturist and herbalist (They of course believed in traditional Chinese medicine). The acupuncturist told them that her daughters vital energy was unbalanced, and it was [i]very different[/i] than the vital energy of a normal person. She likely had a [i]unusual[/i] latent talent. He warned that if it could not be expressed her energy would remain unbalanced and she would become ill no matter what else they did. Her parents started thinking about the worms and spiders, wondering if that had something to do with her latent-talent. So they bought her a ‘grow-your-own-butterfly-form-a-caterpillar’ science kit for her birthday. They told her that she had a latent talent, something special, and encouraged her to meditate and try and figure out what it might be. She giggled, and proudly told them that she had already discovered her talent. She touched her bed-sheets and the sprung to life, she made the shape of a butterfly and she held it in the air. She thanked them for their gift, and named the caterpillar Xiaopang (“Fatty”). With no one to teach her she had to experiment and learn her abilities and limitations on her own. As she got older she heard of super heroes and meta-humans, but no one who seemed to be like her. One day she visited the Titans Tower out of curiosity, hearing that it once was the home of a teenaged super-hero team. She met Little Brother, and made herself at home. She was actually the first to join him, and she helped clean the tower up and make it ready for the new team.