Kathi congratssss <3 Btw my posting time this Sat/Sun will be... uh... idk! I'm leaving for the airport on Saturday at like 2am and not flying off until 4:55 or something? Then I've got a [i]six[/i] hour layover in Chicago before taking off for England. I'm hoping I'll have a good enough internet connection during that time to post, because I have a lot of difficulty sleeping on planes (motion sickness) and sleeping in public. I can bet money I'll be awake 90% of all this time. @.@ Anyway, you'll hear from me if I'm able to post. ^^ My arrival will be Sunday morning but I'm 200% likely to sleep after my arrival so I guess I'll be playing by ear from then on re: when I post. XD Sorry for the inconveniences this may cause! [hider=IC stuff]lolol I almost wrote average-looking NPC instead of average-looking man. [s]It's so true tho[/s] I left the option open as to what everyone else wants to do here, whether it's approach the gates, discuss options further and prepare, try to find another opening, or whatever. ^^ Sammie hasn't seen them yet (though they can be suspicious and think she has), especially because she's not actively scouting for visitors coming in. She's just gonna look up whenever she hears footsteps nearby, check out their bags to make sure there are no bombs and sharp things, then permit them in - pretty much standard for stuff like Disneyland, etc. :) I think that's about all I have to say re: next round. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions! :D I lalalove everyone's posts. I hope everyone is having as much fun as I am ^^[/hider]