The Warlord growled at Emily for a little longer, before nodding, and putting the girl down. "So, can you talk?" Emily asked casually, walking over to a large patch in the castle and beginning to draw the rune. She was planning it big, enough to fit her a dozen times in, and three of the ugly Ice Bastard comfortably. The monster growled some more as Emily made the edges, but eventually let out a sound, like steel being twisted and bent. "Yes" the Ice Demon drew out, the small word taking several seconds to finish being said. "Ok. Sorry I asked. I can see why your not chatty" Emily replied, confident that she wouldn't be hurt as she drew the rune with her finger, hovering a few centimetres in the air so she didn't actually contact with the cold ground, even if her knees where turning slightly blue. Runes didn't need anything to draw them with, since they did not technically have a physical existence until finished. The Warlord gave a growl, and possibly a snort, or a sneeze, Emily wasn't sure. Then, she began to add the body of the rune, with it's size, it took Emily a good half an hour to make the highly intricate rune, even with her skill at it. By the end, she was shivering, but the rune was done, and the Warlord - who previously looked impatient - grinned. And Emily wished he hadn't. His teeth where black and horrible, where he had any, and the whole thing totally lacked mirth. He then stepped into the middle where the entire rune converged, and nodded to Emily. "Ok. Rune set. Now,to call the spirit into the Rune, I will need to sing to it" She told the Warlord Demon, who frowned, as if not knowing what 'sing' meant. Emily saw the frown, and continued. "Make noise, nicely." The Warlord nodded, more for her to get a move on than in understanding, and so she started. "[url=]Ich möchte stärker werden, weil unsere Welt sehr grausam ist Es ist ratsam, welke Blumen zu entfernen.......[/url]" She sung, the words echoing through the castle as she sung, the words Eldritch and foreign to all who heard their strangely amplified radiance. The words seemed to emanate from the Rune as she got half way though it, a second behind, but in a much deeper voice than her own. And then it changed again, resonating her voice and throwing it back in perfect pitch, but with different words. The contrast was confusing, but beautiful. It was the kind of beauty that went beyond understanding, and touched the hearts of all that heard, even if they lacked hearts. Then, as she finished, a massive raging inferno burst from the Rune, flying up and barely missing the roof before dispersing. The Warlord was reduced to naught but ash, as a flaming creature that looked female, but for her skin being molten lava, and parts of cooled magma making up her face and breasts. "You call me to such a chilly place, but your words where sung well, and your sacrifice was worth it. So, do you wish to bind?" The Magma woman asked. Emily had done as she said and summoned a Lesser Spirit, but of Fire, not Ice. The voice was warm, as one would expect, but slightly impatient as well. "I would love to, my lady. It would be an honour to allow your existence in the physical plane" Emily said, bowing deeply. "Then come. Step into my Rune" The Spirit offered, an offer that Emily took with a smile, walking into the rune. The fire that the Spirit was made of should have frozen over by now in this atmosphere, but the Spirits did not care for the trivialities of physics. and so, the large Magma Woman bent over, embracing, encompassing, entering Emily. The process was strange, but it filled Emily with a feeling of peace she had not had in a long time. Peace, and warmth. Once the spirit had finished entering Emily, she could still feel it in her mind, in her body, in her magic. The doors then swung open, and several Ice Demons stepped though the threshold. Obviously a large gout of fire didn't go un-noticed, or maybe they where seeking the source of the Voice. Either way, Emily's hands spat sparks, as a big grin adorned her face. "Let's clean house" She said, mostly to herself, as her eyes blazed with the Spirit's Crimson Fire. [hider=OOC bits] She sings the whole song, but I thought all the lyrics would be to spamy to post, so I made a vid link instead[/hider]