Aslo stood uncomfortably as the light fell on him, it was a curious enough feeling to have a spotlight on him after he had spent such a long time of his life hiding his name as best he could. He had watched as the diplomatic parties had strolled into the building watching intently as they bickered about themselves, and he had made a note or two to himself for future review. As focus once again shifted to the ball he took a place against a nearby wall. He felt almost nude without a hood on, and the colors of his current clothing were much lighter than he'd usually sport, such was the life of a party-goer he supposed. He brushed a loose trimming off of his shoulder where Kira had torn through the fabric slightly, sadly she was left in his quarters for some rather unsatisfactory reason that had been supplied to him. One could be sure that the guard would receive his dues for the method he had shooed Kira off when they had arrived at the Ballroom. Soon he would scan the room and have his eyes rest upon those from the Freeholds. While he didn't recognize any of them right off, he had at least heard the names of those spoken. It was strange to him to be so disconnected from his homelands, and yet have them come so near him now. He decided quickly to leave his place at the wall and approach the leaders. Aware of their believed standings in the world Aslo gave a slight bow as he reached them. "Esteemed lords, it is a honour for one of your lands to find you so far from home!" a signature smile dawned on his face, somehow just as strange in the full light of the room as it was peeking from beneath a hood. "Ah, yes, you." A half elf woman said as she crossed her arms over her chest. She was the warlord of a hold near Southblood. Whilst not a major contender in her own right, she had thrown her support behind Rashad, as upon taking power over her hold she had taken a hostile stance towards most slavers. "I'm sure you remember me. Tina. The one with pig tails. The one the other warlords take verbal shots at." "With a name heard as often as yours it'd be difficult not to recognize you in a crowd. Favoured femme fatale of Orogal!" He extended a hand towards her, motioning for her own. "A wonderful meeting once again!" "Right." Tina says as she doesn't uncross her arms to shake his hand. "What do you want?" Aslo withdraws his hand uncomfortably. Beginning to sense something was not quite right between the two of them. His gaze shifted off to the right as he tried to recall exactly how things had been left when last they met. "At the request of my Queens I am here to mingle and introduce myself to those we hope to be our allies, such as yourselves." he said motioning to those in the group "And to offer our assistance in future matters that you may require aid in and so forth." "Right, then you're talking to me... Why?" Tina sighs and finally lowers her arms from her chest. She then starts wringing her wrists out, looking about the room nervously. "L-look... In the carriage, that exploded... That stupid pile of grey goop figured it was the woman in the carriage who did it... They were our body doubles." She then looks to Rashad, who was only a few feet away. Gritting her teeth she looks back at Aslo. "...I... I'm a little... Afraid, he doesn't trust me anymore. That was -my- body double." The nervousness in her eyes shined like a pair of bright stars. "Could you... Maybe... Talk to him?" That being said, she then manages a bit of a smile as her hands move behind her back. Stretching out, she prominantly shows off her admirable enough hour glass figure. In any world she would be attractive. "If you did I would... Appreciate it. Very much." "Curious" Aslo thought. He had obviously witnessed the botched assassination attempt. Tutting the entire time. The shoddy craft some assassins was heinous, and he felt they cheapened the name. There had been a time that had he been hired, the Freeholds would not have been taking part in tonight's discussions. He realized he was chewing his lip a bit, all together ignoring whatever it was Tina had been saying. "Well Tina as it seems I owe you something, a little investigation can only brighten my night." He bowed as he took a step away and motioned towards Rashad. Spreading his arms out wide "Rashad of Ravenhold! seems you can't escape the presence of death even in the lush peace of Renalta!" Rashad looks back at the marvelous assassin, and in a moment, Fahim stepped between them. Rashad chuckles and motions Fahid aside. "It is fine, Fahim, if this one was doing his work he would do it with poison, not with a blade, he's far more... Sophisticated." He steps past a suspicious looking Fahid as he embraces Aslo in a warm, overexaggerated hug. "Of course death can't take me, I am Rashad! Rashad Rhallous! Not even the nine hells could contain me!" He says with laughter. "What is it you want, Aslo? Come for work..." He glances at one of his slaves, a rather attractive looking man who stood shirtless, a smile on his face as he looked at Aslo. "... Or pleasure?" He joined his hands together and lowered his gaze to his feet "Some might call me craven for the use of poisons, but fear not! For they were taught true shortly afterwards by mine own blade." he once again looked to Rashad "I should say my motives lie somewhere in between tonight. I am here on order from the Queen to enjoy myself." he shrugs "What's a man to do!" A smile forms on his lips "You should not tempt the Fates after the proceedings of this afternoon, frightening times for all of us." "Maybe." Rashad says with a chuckle. "For a boy who fears death, certainly." He then lets go of Aslo and rests his hands on Aslo's shoulders. "No, truly, what is it that you need?" "Need? Nothing friend. I am quite content." he said with a quick glance over to Tina "I am here only as a courtesy to some who most certainly do fear death, perhaps even from you, surrounding the attack. My [i]friend[/i] fears you may place blame on her. I speak on her behalf." with a second of reflection, a grin formed on his face "Rather their." Rashad chuckles and shakes his head. "No. She is too small to afford someone like that." He states simply, if a little brutally. "Besides, too obvious! Nobody gets to be a warlord by being obvious. At least, not for long." He then looks Aslo over and scratches his chin. "I don't suppose you might... Possibly..." He looks around. "... Might be interested in a little bit of... Business?" "Fear is ever present, but you are not wrong. I certainly agree that she does not seem to play a part in this one. Though as a friend I might be able to recommend playing this one to your benefit, she's not all that hideous afterall. And the pigtails are cute I suppose." He smiles with a wink. "As for business, well I suppose if it's to be official Blades business I'd have to discuss things with the others." he said with a wave towards the Blades spread among the Ball. "However all other forms of skulduggery are never turned away by me, and I have means to complete most any task." "I ah... Would find it... Immensely helpful..." He looks around, then leans in and whispers. "... If you would... Possible direct me to a few of your... Contacts, in Southblood. I could use them to get more last minute information... For my ah... Proposition, in case it is accepted by your Queen." The lack of nerves displayed by even the most powerful of men were always humorous to Aslo. The slaughter of 100 men? Not a problem. Yet shades and secrets seemed to tighten their lips more than a nun is faithful. "What form of information might you require? Do you have a mage handy that might communicate with my people? Even a Magestone of your own?" "Maybe." Rashad says, giving away that he had one, just not on his person at that very moment. "And anything on Deimos' security. His keep... And his secondary." He glances at Tina, who seemed a little anxious. "She seems to be waiting on you." "I shall tell my man to get in contact with you. Expect a report from him before you leave for Ravenhold." Looking back over his shoulder he noticed the anxious look on Tina's face. "It would seem as though she is. Unless you wished to intervene?" He looks at her, then chuckles. "No, this one is all yours... 'Assassin'." He turns around, back towards the crowd, though Fahim watched for any suspicious movements. Aslo gave a bow as Rashad turns away, and waved at Fahim with a wide smile as well. He moved back towards Tina, unsure how to handle the following situation. He could make her feel quite fearful. She motions him close and whispers furtively. "Well?" "Well I should think you safe. While he wasn't entirely convinced your hands were clear of any wrong doings, with a simple deal I was able to buy your safety. Never fear." He said with as innocent smile upon his face. "Ah, I see." She says with a smile on her face as well, stepping closer to him she wraps her arms around his shoulders. "Then I suppose..." One of her fingers runs down to his waist. "... I should... Inform you..." As her hand goes lower, she grasps between his legs and squeezes tightly. "That half-elves still have large ears that can hear quite clearly, and that I'm not a woman to fuck with." He cringes as his grip tightens, forcing out words with a simple shrug. "You would think a man with as much information at his disposal as I do would have known that." his hands venture to her hips resting as comfortably there as they could all things considered. "I suppose what we should take from this is that he suspects you of no wrong-doing, and that you are safe regardless of the means." "True." She says as the hand travels back up from between his legs. "And my but you [i]are[/i] handsome..." Leaving a kiss on his cheek, Tina pushes him away. "But you should know better, assassin." A sigh of relief escapes his lips as she releases pressure. "Perhaps someday I will learn." As she leaves her kiss upon him, he reaches up to brush her cheek "Perhaps someday you might teach me." "Ha." She smiles and looks him over again. "I like you. Maybe I will teach you sometime." "Then I wait with baited breath Tina. Or should I address you with some kind of title befitting your station?" "Tina's fine, assassin." Once again crossing her arms, she motions to the crowd. "Go blend in again." "As you wish then mi'lady, I'll find my way back into the shade." he took off with a silent stride. "Feel confident in the knowledge that you are safe." a sigh escaped his lips as he made his way towards the drinks. The ball reminded him of the auction so long ago, and how ill suited he had been to the spotlight even then. Foolish as he had been to attempt his plan that night, he knew he had done it for the right reasons [i]The life of an assassin truly lies within the shade... Such things I do to avenge what was lost. Perhaps a drink might help alleviate such poor tidings.[/i] and he turned on his heels to make his way towards the alcohol.