[img=http://i.imgur.com/dO6vRyy.png] [b][u]Morris: Outskirts[/b][/u] After Trixie assaulted Eric with a barrage of questions regarding his niece's whereabouts, instead of answering her directly he went on and talked about what she looked like. Black, white, red, ugly teeth - got it. Trixie crossed her arms and nodded sternly after every other sentence, taking in all the information that she was bound to forget about two minutes later. But at least she felt smart this way. As Eric got more and more carried away, Trixie went right along with his descriptions, her stern nod becoming more and more bubbly to match the man's excitement. Thankfully Estelle knocked him back on track, even if he turned to sudden begging and grabbing onto the swordswoman's hand. Trixie puffed her cheeks and turned forward again. Then came more talk about weaponry. Lute, Lucien, and Xandra advocated against immediate violence, though Moira refused to leave behind her sword, considering what happened in Vandrell. To make things worse, Eric threw in a wildcard: that guilders were completely barred from circus entry. Like Syed pointed out, it wasn't only their weapons but their outfits could give their status away just as easily. Trixie twitched her nose at this; if that didn't smell like a suspicious recipe, she didn't know what did. By now she was definitely settled on the idea of the circus being bad bad bad bad. Fun, but [i]bad.[/i] Xandra brought up an excellent suggestion: to use Aria's magic to conceal the most obvious details, such as visible swords and armor. Aria wouldn't be able to help everyone, but that perhaps wasn't necessary. Trixie nodded in enthusiastic agreement. "Ooh, ooh, I like Xanny's idea. It's really good. Besides," she turned around, now walking backwards in front of everyone. Her eyes met with Lucien and Syed's in particular. "Our clothes are funny enough anyway! We'll be fiiiiine... I hope." She turned back around and brought a finger to her chin, cocking her head side to side in deep contemplation. What were their options by this point? Sneaking in? Entering in like normal people? Or totally gung-hoing it and ambushing these baddies with surprise? Her contemplation was knocked off as she bumped into something - someone. A random person walking in a different direction? At [i]this[/i] time of day!? Trixie nearly whipped out her guns in surprise, but the average-looking man muttered an apology as he continued walking on with his two small brats beside him. Trixie froze still, watching as they walked on to her left... and towards the circus, now in direct sight. [center][img=http://i.imgur.com/I2ArUz4.png][/center] A dirt road led directly to a wide set of gates, where a blonde girl donned in flashy black clothing stood by the entrance. Behind her were various tents and multiple other attractions, such as games, small rides, food stands, a ferris wheel. Though it wasn't visible from where the Pride stood now, the circus' main attraction - its hugeass tent for collaborative performances - was smack in the center of the fairgrounds. The man Trixie had bumped into soon arrived at the front of the gates, speaking with the girl there and paying her before entering in with the kids at his side. Once he was in, the girl lost her bubbly posture, and leaned over what looked like a cash box. Boredly she tended to her nails as she waited for more visitors. Her attention was not on the Pride at this time, as they were too far for her to notice. [img=http://i.imgur.com/q3reFbn.png] Trixie quivered for a moment before turning back to the others. "Okaaaay... here we are... so what now? Guys? Guys? Guys?"