"[B]Quit your bellyaching. If I wanted your bones completely broken, I would have hit harder.[/b]" He replied. "[B]Hmph, I have just the place for you.[/b]" He dragged the thief away before being stopped by a woman. "[B]I see. Do you know what this thief's punishment would be in Ylisse? Years in prison. I taught him a life lesson, and he'll only be immobile for a couple days.[/B]" He saw her draw her sword. "[B] I dislike hurting women, but if that's the way you think it must be, then I accept your challenge. I too, have been in ferox, and I served in the west khan's elite. Hopefully you have similar experience, else you've made a dire choice. Either way, I'll make this quick.[/b]" He dropped the thief. "[B]Running might seem like the best option, but I assure you it's not. Stay put.[/b]" He sighed, and waited for the woman to decide. Vincent wasn't the kind of man to back down easily. Nor was he one to have his actions questioned. For someone to so boldly challenge him over business out of their concern was quite surprising, but he would easily lift his blade if it came down to it. He already had plans to drag this man back to the blades to mend him, and put him in an honest position, but she didn't know that. Either way, it didn't really matter. Apparently her sense of justice was dulled. He would uphold his honor and the justice of this decision.