[img]http://i.imgur.com/2uDBgEK.png[/img] [b][u]Morris: Circus Grounds[/u][/b] Xandra’s eyes surveyed the scene of the circus fairgrounds before her, taking in all the fanciful and colourful attractions before them, and the metal fence surrounding it and the gatekeeper dressed in black a short distance away. Her body tense, Xan’s mind was completely focused upon the mission of trying to find the missing people, and considering the possibility the circus may be involved, the best way of investigating. Aria’s suggestion of using her illusion magic was a good one, but not one that could be readily prolonged throughout the fairgrounds. Even if they were to get past the gatekeeper this way, there was no telling what might happen if they were discovered with their weapons intact by any of the troupe members on the inside, short of absolute chaos. Moira begrudgingly resigned herself to this fact, removing her sword and armour, as Xandra tried to reassure Trixie, before then turning to address Estelle. Unfortunately, however… "Leader, it might be best if we kept things subtle..." She remarked, turning briefly to look to where Estelle was standing, only for her eyes to catch Lucien already speaking to the gatekeeper, leaving no time for the opinions of any of the others. Her brow twitched, before she was suddenly shocked by something moving very quickly behind her, their feet creating a noticeable din as they touched the ground. Xandra spun on the ground to find Estelle having jumped out of the nearby large tree, devoid of her sword and chest armour, which, after trailing her eyes upwards, Xandra found them having been neatly hidden in the branches above. And then… then Estelle began charging towards the gate right behind Lucien, yelling and shouting cries of excitement behind him. “Oh my gods look at that ferris wheel!!” Estelle pumped her fist high in the air, rushing as quickly as she could. “And look at those magi-dodgems! And… OH MY GODS! Trixie! Look! They’ve got cotton candy!” [img]http://i.imgur.com/yWeW5Rr.png[/img] “It’s the circus, the circus!” Eric chippily shouted as he too ran behind after the pair, skidding to a halt behind them and in front of the fingernail tending Sammie, who looked up at the dopey looking trio above her as she blew a large bubblegum from her lips.