[hider=Fun Musics][center][youtube]7E9lt-b3Jtw[/youtube][/center][/hider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/dO6vRyy.png[/img] [b][u]Phillis Circus: Entrance[/u][/b] Trixie puffed her cheeks for a moment when Xandra spoke to her, but begrudgingly handed over both her guns and her belt to Syed. She trusted on Xandra a lot when it came to logical reasoning - that's what sidekicks were good for, weren't they? Even if she hated going anywhere without them. "You be good with hidin' that stuff," she said to the electromage after lumping her stuff atop his own. Before Trixie even had a chance to notice Lucien wandering off, she found herself snatched by Estelle's grip as the swordswoman charged off after Lucien with all due enthusiasm. All suspicion in Trixie's mindset was lost the moment the cotton candy was pointed out. The duo plus Eric managed to catch right up to the summoner before any real discussion took place. [i]"Hey, hey, can my friends and I get some tickets?"[/i] [img=http://i.imgur.com/q3reFbn.png] The girl's eyes lit up immediately, and she jumped to an enthusiastic pose, with an enthusiastic smile to match. "Helloooo, random citizen! Thank you for coming by to the circus, thank you, thank you!" She nearly toppled over from surprise but caught herself in time, countering her clumsiness with a cutesy twirl and bounce. Her pink eyes twinkled. "Tickets, tickets you say? Well, say no more~ Entry fee's 100 a pop! A meager price for everything we offer, no?" Trixie looked up to Estelle with a blank expression. She left all her dough with Amy back at Morris. "Hey, hey Supersis. That's not... that's not expensive, is it?" Sammie shrugged. "Hey, gotta do what you gotta do for money, you know? But it's so worth it. Think about it; you can ride the ferris wheel and take dumb photos as many times as you want!" The group standing before her could see the man from earlier paying for cotton candy for his children - amidst heaps and heaps of other guests spilling their drinks and flocking about the circus grounds excitedly with hats and dolls in arms. From outside, it was obvious the only other things requiring payment were food, souvenirs, and prize-winning games. "Plus," the magician spread her arms out wide, matching her huge smile, "that price includes entry to tonight's show! It'll be kickass, truuuussst me. And I'm not sayin' that just because I'm in it." She winked. "We have two new faces starring tonight, haven't you heard? It'll be a blast! The bigger the audience, the better they'll feel about themselves!" The prankster pursed her lips. Wait - two - now [i]that[/i] was a number she could count to. And the amount of posters Aria had gathered at the guild was [i]definitely[/i] more than two. "Oh, before I forget again - my sis nearly killed me for this last time - I gotta check your bags. You know. For explosives and sharp shit." She jerked a thumb over her shoulder. "Wouldn't wanna scare the kids. Their foam swords stand nothing against a terrorist's." Without waiting for Lucien's approval, Sammie used the same thumb to prop open the summoner's bag, but did nothing more than eye the surface of the contents inside. Then she closed it and backed off from their personal space. "You're clear, Mister! Now, about those fees..." "Oh. My. Omelets." Trixie suddenly gaped. She flicked a finger at some space beside Sammie - a colorful purple tent, and some kids running around in fake wings, tiaras, and dresses too big for them. "Supersis LOOK THEY HAVE PROPS!" [center][img=http://i.imgur.com/Fw3tjem.png][/center] It was Aliquam all over again - the fun part, anyway. The prankster charged right on passed Sammie and straight into the tent, where she proceeded to wrangle the wings and tiaras off the kids inside so she herself could don them. From inside, Estelle, Lucien, and Eric could all hear her cry out in a deep voice, "The Pixie has reboooorn! Wait, staff, staff, I need a staaaaff! WAIT NO, I'M NOT READY FOR A PICTURE YET, STOP." Sammie meanwhile kept her eyes on the remaining three. She blinked a few times in light of what just happened, before extending a friendly open palm to everyone that remained. "Right, so that's 100 for the kid that popped inside. C'mon now~"