[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/gq61IN0.jpg[/IMG][/center] During the walk to the hall of mirrors, the group as a whole was silent. Inadi didn't seem to be feeling too comfortable with that and therefore began to fill the silence with his chatter and questions about the Queen and the guides. Then turning to Harper and her, he mentioned the grapes back in the dance hall and Jasper smiled in return along with a polite nod. She knew that Harper wasn't feeling his finest at the moment and Inadi was doing his best to lighten the kid's mood so she appreciated that. No one was themselves lately and it all stemmed from the fight with the witch. Somehow, something within them changed back there. A sort of happiness that could never be restored lay crippled on that battlefield. The great loss they suffered was irreversible and struck a cord deeper than all the others. It was a definite turning point for them as a group. With a short word of leave, Harper escaped their crowd again and stalked away from the group. She didn't make a move to stop him. Jasper knew that the boy needed his space so she let him be. [b]"Hey! Over here!!!"[/b] A pink haired being was flailing an arm out near the end of the hall and Jasper knew exactly who it was. Lesley rushed towards them eagerly and complimenting them on their outfits. He was dressed in only a pair of swim trunks and seeing Lesley's flat chest did prove her suspicions, but a the same time, she felt that a pair of boobs would've fit the part a bit better. He looked too feminine. Rushing them inside the beach room he and the others had found, Jasper really wasn't too happy about being shoved back into a dressing room again. With a heavy sigh, she flipped through the swim suits haphazardly and pulled out a [url=http://i.picresize.com/images/2014/08/20/hBD8.jpg]pair[/url] that suited her tastes. At least this time, she had no one else to please but herself. Switching out of the dress and into her 2-piece, Jasper slipped a ducky floaty around her waist and walked out onto the beach. She had previously lathered her skin in tons of sunscreen to prevent black spots from appearing. Albino skin was extremely sensitive to sunlight. Seeing an umbrella out in the distance near the waves, she jogged to the shaded area quickly and sat down to enjoy the view. [i]'Wow, it's beautiful here. I can't believe they fit an entire beach into a room.'[/i] Admiring the scenery, her heart skipped a beat when she heard Riley yell out the word 'shark'. Catching the glimpse of a grey fin sticking out of the water, she ran out beside Riley and helped wave everyone back to safety. With her hands cupped around her lips she hollered, "SHARK! SHARK! HURRY!" Heart thumping fast, she really wasn't prepared to loose anymore team members at this point and if this situation would again be one of death, Jasper would be devastated.