Perhaps Lune had visited Chon'sin. It's possible he passed through while on his way to the coast, he, he truly could not remember much about his past. He did appreciate An'zu, as she was also Valmese, even if she came from another nation he hadn't heard of. He cringed at the collision of the players. Lune twisted his face slightly as he closed his eyes,, wishing the best for the competitor. [b] "Nngh... Hey,"[/b] Lune muttered softly, resisting her moving his head for a bit before finally giving in to the girl. Lune then noted the masked man getting a brutal beating for what looked like a robbery. He didn't recognize the person from earlier, but, he smirked softly. If you get caught as a thief, you deserve it. It made Lune feel a bit better about his recent life choices. Lune felt his head turned once more, and An'zu pointed something out. [b] "There's a wha-"[/b] Lune started, but was interrupted by a torrent of shock that took over his body. He let out a small shout, stumbling a bit and nearly knocking An'zu off of him. [b]"I h-hate wyverns..." [/b] Lune stammered, continuing to move away from the crowd.