Margaret smacked Wyeth across the back of the head. "Hey you imbecile, who are you to be scaring away a possible recruit, and a skilled one at that? And don't give me none of that 'He might be a traitor' or 'he's too weak' bull. You let me and Piers in no problem, And I might be a traitor and Piers can barely fight. Next time we bring someone as a new recruit just trust us okay?" Margaret asked, slightly angered. Piers had since wandered off, not interested in hanging around Wyeth or Margaret for the time being. He looked around the town enjoying the beauty of it, when there was movement in his shirt. Out of his shirt popped out a small baby squirrel, looking at Piers almost pleadingly. Without anyone looking, Piers quickly took a small piece of food away from one of the many food stalls, walking away fast and feeding the squirrel at the same time. Bored with looking around, Piers finally came upon the jousting grounds, barely witnessing the situation that had just happened.