Studying the next two jousters closely, Sapphire predicted which one of them would lose to the other. She loved making predictions then watching to see if she was accurate or not. [i]”It’s naturally the bigger, more muscular man, he seems to be too full of himself to actually pay any sort of real attention to the other.”[/i] Pointing at the larger competitor, the girl turned behind her, thinking her friends were still present. [b]”Hey guys, I bet-“[/b] She stopped her sentence short because she noticed the lack of a Noelle and a Vincent. She was too into the joust to pay any mind to whatever was going on around her; luckily no malice was inflicted on her. After only a few seconds of listening, she heard the noticeably loud voices not too far from where she stood. Her curiosity piqued, she cautiously hopped on over in the direction of the source of all this noise. She stopped in her tracks once she identified some faces amidst the apparent feud. [i]”Whoa, what happened here…?”[/i] she questioned herself before taking a better look at the unfolding scene. There was dejected man who appears to be a thief on the ground near Vincent who was standing crosswise from a red haired woman whilst three others stood in between them (Gran, Noelle, and some random guy). The teal haired girl came much too late to be privy to what was going on and made the decision to stand back and watch whatever would occur next; she didn’t want to be directly included in whatever absurdity the others were all up to.