[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] [b][u]Circus Grounds[/u][/b] He didn't! Lucien!!! Moira rolled her eyes, while Syed looked borderline [i]betrayed[/i]. Of course, Lucien had always been a much more spontanious sort - the sort who would deliberately do things at times just to get a reaction. But still! He could have waited another minute! Soon several of the others had left too, Estelle even stashing her own equipment. Others had indeed handed their equipment over, and Syed soon had to pass most of it over to Moira before it got too much for him. Well... they sure were going ahead. Moira looked up to the tree where Estelle had stashed her stuff. Well, it was pretty well hidden. She doubted the tree would be big enough to hide [i]her[/i] stuff though - her greatsword was around five foot long, and unlike their leader her armor was much more expansive. Syed meanwhile was glancing around, his mind working ten to the dozen as thoughts of tactics and plausability flashed through his brain. Tactically, it would be best to spread everyone's stuff out, to vary the way they are hidden so that if one set is found then they still wouldn't find the others. And to keep it in his range, so he could pull it over the fence should they need it. But that wasn't really plausable in their timeframe. There was however a particularly dense patch of undergrowth, shrubbery and a few trees a little way around the perimiter, a short distance from the fence. That was probably their best bet. It looked too dense for someone to even walk through, let alone search for anything. "Aria?" Syed asked. "Mind helping us a minute? Just to help us keep out of sight, while we stash everything?" "Yeah, shouldn't be long," Moira nodded. "Better not be long. Fuck if I'm missing out." And with that they set off.