[img]http://i.imgur.com/J8VStXo.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ZEQcnsM.png[/img] Estelle, Trixie, Lucien, all three of them looked absolutely ecstatic. For a moment Xan couldn't help but stare, but seeing all three of them so happy, it made her laugh a little. Oh well, this actually made them less suspicious. If anything, they looked more like an eager group of friends who were ready to hit the circus and enjoy a stress free day of carnival games and colorful shows. Even the strange man who had been trailing after them raced towards the entrance with fervor. To think he had just lost his niece at this circus, he looked very excited to be returning to the possible scene of the crime. The metallurgist made her way to the entrance just in time to hear the girl speak. The place looked very colorful and lively. 100 gald, didn't sound too bad. The girl rummaged around her bag and pulled out a coin purse, but before any of them could pay, Trixie rushed through the entrance and Lute ended up paying for the girl. Judging by the look on his face, it looked like he had used up all his money, and Lucien confirmed her suspicion when he leaned in and peered at the virtuoso's hands. "No worries, I've got you covered!" Lucien swung an arm around Lute's shoulder and pulled the man close. If he had learned anything from Don, it was that bros looked after bros. He grinned from ear to ear, fumbled with his bag and pulled out a frog wallet. The summoner fished around for gald then handed the girl 200. "Okay, okay, now let's catch up to the kid!" He spun around to grin at Estelle. "Leader! We can't let Trixie have all the fun, so let's go, let's go!" With that said he barreled past the gates with the poor Lute in tow. Xan handed in her own money then strolled past the gates with a smile. "Don't trip you two, be careful." Ha, he wasn't even listening, he was to excited to. "Now where did the kid go?" Lucien peered left and right before loud yells filled the circus grounds. "Yep, there she is!"