[img]http://i.imgur.com/2uDBgEK.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/yWeW5Rr.png[/img] [b][u]Phillis Circus: Grounds[/u][/b] One by one the Pride began to meet Sammie, paying the entry fee to access the circus’ fairgrounds and then follow after Trixie to explore the site. With Moira, Syed and Aria still dealing with the matter of discreetly hiding their weapons and equipment, and everyone else already marching off to the prop room after Trixie, it left Estelle and Eric moments after entering the gate. “Mhng… my poor, aching wallet…” Estelle quietly sobbed, as she tilted her purse upside down and jingled it back and forth, hoping to find some coins left in the darkest recesses of its shadows, only for a puff of dust to fall instead. Her face instantly turned to one of anger and glare, and she shot off to the side, gripping Eric by his collar and shaking him back and forth violently. “Why did I have to pay for you?!” “Ah! C-c-c-c-cus I don’t have any moneeeey!” Eric wailed. “I spent the last of it on that yummy milk floaaaat!” “Grrr!” Estelle threw him down to the ground, putting her hands on her hips as she looked down at him. “Priorities, man! You don’t spend the last of your money on a milk float when your niece is missing!!” “I’m… I’m sorry…” Eric scratched the back of his head. “I actually bought it for her… to cheer her up when I found her… but I tried it, just to make sure it was okay… and it was so delicious I drank it alugnghg!” Eric was silenced with a steaming boot to the face, followed by Estelle stomping off to join Xandra in exploring the fairground. The place was rife with all manners of attractions, from the various vibrant coloured stalls selling sweets, candy and other delicious savouries, to those of more exciting attractions, such as the Magitech powered Dodgems and Teacups. There were plenty of other small stands too with fun games to try, such as the shooting gallery played with weak rifles aiming at targets, or goldfish catching with tiny net minigames, all in the hopes of winning various prizes – be it stuffed toys or other miscellaneous knick knacks. In the middle of two tents, one a tent dedicated to fortune telling, the other a magician who specialised in card tricks, was a Highstriker attraction, just waiting to test passerbys’ strength. Set to an area to the side of the tents and stalls, a little distance away from the big top and ferris wheel, was a section filled with large, heavy metal cages. Inside of those cages were the circus’ animals – elephants, lions, gorillas and more, all decorated in their own flamboyant way. A large, muscular and bare chested man with a smooth, slicked moustache worked inside the cages, cleaning and mopping them as well as feeding each of them. He smiled and worked with a hearty laugh as he talked to and petted each of the intimidating animals. Atop one of the slow moving ferris’ wheels main support beams, high overlooking the rest of the circus’ grounds (and drawing many a point, stare and murmur from patrons riding inside of the ferris wheel’s compartments) was a man sitting cross-legged, his head relaxed on his hands behind him, as he lazily stared down at the ground below through his red tinted goggles, with a straw of wheat casually being chewed within his mouth. One of the circus’ workers, the blonde youth had retreated to his preferred resting spot to avoid doing some of his daily chores for the time being.