*blerg* Just got back, and still planning to post tonight before bed as well - just not as soon as I wanted to today XD This morning was consumed by a high school freshman orientation I [i]completely[/i] forgot about until a frantic kid shook me awake (and that may have taken 3 tries on her part >.> ). This afternoon got eaten driving all the hell over northern Virginia, looking for a doctor or NP to take literally 30 seconds to just read my damn PPD test (such a relief. I don't have tuberculosis. I was [i]soooooo[/i] worried... :rolleyes ) Oh today, I may be glad to see you end... :sun Tomorrow should be much better though, kinda looking forward to it, but I won't be anywhere near my laptop until, at best, late tomorrow night. If anyone wants me for anything, I'll be around until 10 pm EST tonight here or on hangouts.