The hall was dark and lit only by torches at regular intervals along the walls. Vex walked in with two armed knights as escorts behind him. Finlly he came to stand before a raised dias with platforms for podiums. There was a loud noise as one of the men brought the side of his lance down against the back of Vex's knee making him kneel. As Vex stared up at the podium four figures emerged from the darkness fully shrouded in robes only the bottoms of their faces could be seen. The figure on the far left spoke first. "Squadron commander Vexis of the black suns." he said coldly with sneer on his lips. "You have failed us Vexis, though your mission was completed your squadron was eliminated." he paused to stare at Vex before continuing "That is against the teachings of our code and as such YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE!" he finished slamming his hand down into the podium. Finally the one on the center right spoke out "Vexis you know that the penalty for this treasonous act is death. However we have ordained that you have a higher purpose than to be made into an example. You know of the Arbitrator yes?" she asked him. Vex nodded his eyes never leaving the shadows of the woman's hood "Aye ma'am I have heard the legends of the Arbitrator. However there has never been any proof of such it is a position shrouded in mystery all who were alive during the time of the last have been killed." Vex responded. Nodding she continued from where he left off "You are correct young Vexis that it has been many years since the last arbitrator roamed. However [I]some[/I] still live who fought at his side." as she said this she glanced at the man on the far left. Clearing her throat she continued "We have deemed that it is in these dire times that the fabled Arbitrator shall return. He is needed once more to restore peace and order and to rain death and misery upon the corrupt." she finished. Grimacing vex retorted "That's where I come in isn't it.". Smiling she confirmed his theory "Why yes Vexis that is exactly where you come in. You have two choices assume the mantle of Arbitrator or be publicly executed." She completed her sentence the smile no longer there. "It appears that I have no choice." Vex replied. Waving her hand to the right a suit of archaic armor was illuminated. "The choice is yours Vexis assume the mantle and bring upon yourself redemption and glory or die now. Be warned however once that armor is donned it will never be removed.". Standing slowly Vex strode over to the armor performed an about face and stepped backwards into it. The suit adjusted itself to match his sice perfectly clasps latching and sealing the armor to his body. Ports opened on the wrists and elbows as the suit read his body and realigned itself for optimal performance. Finally the helmet the symbol of the arbitrator was lowered onto his head and all went dark. The eyes flashed gold as they came online and on the inside a data visor fed Vex all the information he needed on everything. Stepping off the dias the armor had been standing on vex announced to the chamber "BEHOLD THE ARBITRATOR!". "Excellent!" the man on the center left exclaimed aloud. He continued and spoke to vex with newfound respect "We have arranged for you to have your own personal VTOL and pilot, she shall be the only one other than us to know your identity [I]Lord[/I] Vexis." the man said. Suddenly the pathway was illuminated in a white light and a beautiful woman with blondish red hair and blue eyes walked forward. Placing her hand on Vex's new chestplate she whispered "im so glad your ok I thought you were to be killed." She almost sobbed the last part. "Ahem." the woman on the far right spoke up "Lord Vexis your job is to infiltrate and destroy B.E.S.C facilities. You will perform this task alone with no fireteam, and you will not return here to resupply Nova will drop you crates of supplies from your personal VTOL at specified drop points. You are both dismissed." she finished. Turning on the spot Vex marched form the hall with nova to his immediate left and slightly behind him.