[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] [b][u]Phillis Circus Grounds[/u][/b] With the equipment safely stashed, Syed stepped back with one head cocked to one side to observe their handywork. Yep. He couldn't see anything. Fantastic, job done. He looked back to the other two, that daft grin on his face. "Thanks for the help. Come on, let's join the others before they get into too much trouble." "Can't have been in anything more than we have," Moira huffed, stepping over to Aria and picking a leaf from her signature scarf. After all, stashing the equipment here was a lot harder than it looked. As was staying upright - which Syed had promptly demonstrated by falling over almost immediately after going in there. Still they were done, and they quickly tidied themselves up again as best as they could before heading back towards the gate. To which Moira nearly choked at the price. How much?! Fucking hell she couldn't believe she was paying just to snoop around some people's shit. The best thing about being a Guilder was being able to snoop around and get paid for it! There had better be something interesting in there. Nonetheless she reluctantly handed over the money for her own ticket. Syed somewhat awkwardly paid too - but only after waiting to see if Aria was okay with hers. He craned his neck to see what they had inside. He had to focus, they had to keep in mind that they were here for a reason... wait was that [i]magitech rides[/i]?! That was way fancier than any of the fairs he had ever been to! He began visibly fidgeting in excitement dispite himself. Nope nope nope they had a job but [i]oh word just look at all the technology.[/i] "So," Moira put her hands on her hips, oblivious to her partner's obvious enthusiasm in one direction in particular. "I have no fuckin' idea where to even start..." She put her finger to her lips. "Somethin' where I could win a prize, I reckon..." her eyes scoured the scene for something she could do - she was terrible at recognising people after all. And just this once, she didn't fancy the Highstriker. She turned to the others, still in earshot of the girl at the gate if she was still listening in. "What do you think?"