[img=http://i.imgur.com/dO6vRyy.png] [b][u]Phillis Circus[/b][/u] "I thiiiiink," Trixie called out in reply to Moira's question, "we should check out everything - [b]everything[/b] - cuz there's way too much stuff to do here. I mean cuz they could be holed up in any of these tents. There's so many." She had busted back out of the tent she was in, still dressed in her strange fairy-esque getup, and ran a circle around Moira and Syed before stopping with her staff held up. A bunch of glitter had dropped from her wings as she did this. "Miss Lady Woman said somefin about prizes. So I think Boss is on the right track! But--" Oh dear. She was still in her Inspector Pixie mode. "BUT! What if - what if maybe they're hungry and went to get some food." The prankster's stomach began to gurgle on cue. Trixie laughed nervously, and quite loudly, before waving her staff over her stomach to cure the Bad Rumbles. "Supersis. SUPERSIS. Duty [i][s]hehe duty[/s][/i] - ahem - duty calls and we must get some food for ourselves. How can we investigate on hungry tummies!? Let's get some cotton - wait what do you mean your wallet is empty?? That means we can't... Grrr!" Trixie stamped her foot before suddenly linking arms with Lucien and Lute. "Hey! Let's get some nummy cotton candy together, come on! We might be able to find who we're lookin' for~" Unfortunately for the detective, she had no idea what any of the missing persons looked like, considering she barely glossed over the photos on the guild's mission board. Her own teammates were smart enough to bring them along, but at that point, she was more focused on getting some food first and [i]then[/i] she would-- "Oh my omelets, is that a... a...!?" She gawked, dropping the duo's arms right as they reached the sweets stall. Just a distance away was a shooting range, with silhouetted targets a set distance from a line of faux rifles. Trixie's mouth began to water. "Noooo way! Ames showed me one of these thingies before but never let me d- do- do- oh my buttermilk biscuits, I'm gonna cry! I mean, I mean - what if the kidnapped persons are being forced to shoot targets [i]all day long.[/i] What horrible punishment! I'm gonna check it out." Trixie dashed towards the range, drawing closer and closer to the ferris wheel. With each step she split herself further from the rest of her team and lost her short self within a sea of average-looking people, but that was of no concern to her. In the midst of this, the relaxing man seated on one of the ferris wheel's beams was approached by a pink-eyed girl in flashy black clothes. Once she climbed to his level, she sat beside him defiantly, pointing a finger at him with an indignant pout. "Booboo, come on! You gotta get your chores done sometimes! It can't always be me! You...!" Suddenly she broke into a laughter, clearly unable to hold a serious expression. Then she wrapped her arms around him, tugging the unmoved man close to herself. "Mehh, I'm just kiddin. Love you!"