Geb laughed as Super boy seemed to have trouble with seeing him 'dispose' of his food. "Don't tell me the boy of steel has a weak stomach, but I see your point." He snickered as he continued down the stairs. "Suit yourself dude, but the offer still stands." He said after the football was turned down. The football then began to melt back into a greyish mush that seeped it's way over to Geb. "Oh, there's a good blobby. Come to daddy." The mush then leaped at Geb before melding back into him, leaving no trace it ever being there. Geb laughed again as they almost reached the bottom of the stairs. "Are you kidding? We're talking about Batman here, the man that gives his 'Boy Wonders' access to tech that would kill most people. I don't think he considers us driving to big of a deal." He said as they reached the garage. "And besides we're going to be fighting crime we'll need some wheels. I doubt that any villains will wait while we take the bus."