[img]http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h461/kathichan1/ariacastshot.png[/img] [u][b]Phillus Circus[/b][/u] Aria dusted herself down, picking her way back out of the bushes. After making sure all the weapons were nicely hidden and very unlikely to be found in the dense bushes, she followed Syed towards the girl by the ticket box, lifting the illusion in the process. Luckily she had brought enough money for the rather pricey ticket, though it left her with a much lighter wallet. Looks like she wouldn't be able to eat as much as she was hoping to today. Everyone seemed very excited despite the mission looming over their heads, looking every way to try to take in every food stall and the giant ferris wheel overhead. Numerous tents were set up, most quite small and housing one or two games that the guests could play while the main tent stood grandly in the center. It would certainly be trouble to figure out where to search first, and Trixie was already spouring out lists of things that they could do. Before anyone could react the girl had run off, disappearing quickly between the throngs of people. Aria stared in the direction the prankster had darted off, wondering whether someone should go follow to make sure she didn't get in trouble. Then again, they were going to have to split up anyways to check out the circus, and the girl could certainly take care of herself. Instead she looked up to the ferris wheel, eyes glinting. She had never had the chance to go one one before, this was the perfect opportunity to fulfill a small wish of hers as well as scout of the basic layout of the circus from the air. The food was tempting, but she could always get that later. "I think I'll head on to the wheel," she pointed upwards, smiling brightly. "get a bird's eye view of the place, yes?''