[img]http://i.imgur.com/J8VStXo.png[/img] Animals! All kinds of animals, from elephants to adorable pandas! Lute's words sailed right over Lucien's head and he stared at the cages, with a dopey grin and stars in his eyes. Did they have a petting zoo in the carnival? He began bouncing in place, his hands clasped together. Hey, maybe the missing people were being held hostage in one of the cages somewhere? Maybe the animals were being used as guards? Trixie was right, they could be [i]anywhere[/i]. Maybe they were even buried beneath that pile of rabbits? "They have a Panda," he sounded a thousand miles away. Oh, oh, he needed to get a picture with it, his shirt even matched! He was only snapped out of his thoughts when Trixie hooked her arms around theirs and asked for cotton candy. Sure, sure, he was in a swell mood! If the others wanted he'd buy cotton candy for all of them. "Sure kid, just give me a moment...oh geez, she sure she is speedy, yeah?" He pointed towards the booths with prizes and rifles. "And there she goes!" The summoner spun around to face the others. "We're gonna go after the little pixie, catch ya guys later." And with that, he began weaving his way through the crowd, a ridiculously large grin was plastered to his face. "Oh don't worry, of course we're going to keep an eye out for the people. Besides," he narrowly avoided colliding with a man in a lion mask. "Trixie has a point, they could be anywhere. We'll never know unless we look." Trixie sure was fast. "Kid, kid, wait up!" He waved a hand in hopes that she would notice him. "Lute and I challenge you to a shoot off!" [img]http://i.imgur.com/ZEQcnsM.png[/img] So much for search and rescue, Xan couldn't help but laugh at their enthusiasm. To be honest, she wanted to check out a few of the games as well and the horror house and hall of mirrors in the distance looked rather tempting. She waved at both men and the disappearing Trixie. "See you both later." [i]"I think I'll head on to the wheel, get a bird's eye view of the place, yes?''[/i] That sounded both productive and enjoyable at the same time. "Sounds like a good idea, Aria." The metallurgist gave her friend a grin then turned to look at their leader and both Moira and Syed. "So, what's the strategy?" despite her words, she was smiling. "Do we get a better look from above then look search the rest of the stalls and rides on foot?" She would be fine with pretty much anything her friends suggested. Unless, it involved the animals...she'd leave that bit to Lucien.