The second attempt towards the little girl was coming and Vordan stepped forward to come intercept the assailant. The man swung hard and Vordan parried with his greatsword, pushing it away after finding his balance. Anyone who would see Vordan fight would see he wasn’t exactly the precise, experienced swordsman, although he could handle the large blade quite well. The bandit swung once more, this time, Vordan pulled himself back, taken a hard hit to the chest, but the steel plate bounced the blade off… He then came back with a full swing to the mid-section of the bandit, nearly cutting the man in half. It was then he turned, just in time to feel that magical energy react to Faith… Vordan was surprised and shocked, as it simply blew out of her hands. Why? It had captivated him, taking his attention away from the last bandit who tried to smash him with a club… Nearly missed his head, but Vordan went to the floor by a strong impact to his shoulder blade area. Vordan didn’t agonize about it, but he was certainly uneasy with the whole thing. Luckily enough the bandit didn’t want to go for a second hit as he fled, just like most others… Good. Elrithos, for his past, had already created doubt within his enemies and with everything else that had happened, those who stood before him ran… Oddly enough, only three of the people he had directly attacked were on the ground, dead or dying. Elrithos approached those who were still breathing and sliced their necks open to make their death quicker. He then immediately went to moving the bodies out of the way of the road. Other travelers did not have to deal with all of this, as it was created by the attention they had brought to themselves, or more to Rudolf. Anywho, he did his possible to move even the pieces that Tirian had created… He wished he hadn’t seen what the red haired warrior had done, but it couldn’t be undone. Vordan, as everything was settling down, took back his invention, doing a quick inspection of it. The magic was still present, nothing was broken… His eyes then moved towards the little girl who was now in the arms of the nearly blind man. What had she done? It was like the magic had responded abruptly to her touch. Odd… Something else he would probably look into. As his adrenaline shot down, he finally noticed the pain of the arrow in his chest. His hand wrapped around the shaft, pulling out the arrow quickly. Again, he wasn’t in that much pain, maybe a hiss of discomfort, not much blood. Good thing for bones and steel plates... He would have to patch that up a little later. For now, he grabbed his things and, like any good mercenary, looted the coins off of the bandits. He didn’t care for the morals of looting from the dead. Besides, the coins were useless to them now. ----- The team had walked off not too far and made camp once more, settling down after this tricky encounter with thieves of the road. Elrithos had put his horse to the side a little, letting him eat the fresh grass. The injuries people had suffered had been minor really, except maybe Vordan and Caelis. The extents of Setna’s injuries were not that bad, nothing major anyway. Caelis had a bloody wound, yet nothing life threatening. Vordan… was a special case. The sand elf had seen the arrow sticking out of him, yet the tall man seemed to be fine. With a quiet sigh, he brought his attention to the young man and his sister. Elrithos had also managed to see the final actions of the young warrior. He had done nothing wrong, as maybe others would have thought. It was a thing of the moment. Most people lived that kind of stage in their early years as a warrior. When Aaerynn had come around for the inujuries, he simply nodded his head. The elf had nothing at all. With that, he went towards Setna, leaving his weapons behind him… and oddly enough, he came with a light smile. He approached and knelt down, grabbing his shoulder and shaking him a little to take him out of his thoughts. He had a look he recognized to well. He spoke softly and calmly, still with that light smile of his face. [b]“Do not worry yourself with your actions, Setna. You did nothing wrong. It was simply the fire of the moment. It happens to younger warriors; it is a part of going through your steps as a fighter. You have nothing to be ashamed of.” [/b] He continued with a friendly tap on his shoulder and stood back up, going towards the water to freshen up a little bit. [center]………………….. [/center] Vordan had been pretty quiet on the way to the camp, but who wasn’t? It was a well needed silence really. Vordan appreciated it as it left him time to think about everything he had seen and also prepare small bands of his special bandages. He didn’t have much left and CERTAINLY wasn’t going to bring this to the people in the group. Why? No that he wouldn’t share, but he wasn’t about to explain himself how it all worked. Not now anyway. With that in mind, he left most of his gear at the cart he voyaged on, even removing the bracers, steel breastplate and brown gambeson, leaving only his thin beige shirt. It was now you could see the extent of his chest injury. It had bleed a little more than expected, but again, nothing major. Not wanting to attract attention or have Aaerynn check his wounds, he walked off a little further with a piece of bandage and a small piece of wood and try to hide behind tree for the time being. He took a seat and then looked down on the piece of tissue he brought… He could already feel the pain this was going to cause him. Taking in a deep breath, he then put the piece of wood in his mouth and grabbed a root with his free hand. He then slowly brought up the bandage and pressed it against his wound, readying himself. It took a couple of seconds, but the magic finally flourished, a soft green light coming from the tissue… Vordan bit down hard and strangled his scream. His gripped tightened fiercely upon the root, the pain absolutely unbearable… Even with his great tolerance to pain, this was almost torture. Eventually, the pain went away and he spat out the wood, taking his time to relax. The shirt was still bloody, but where the wound was supposed to be was nothing more than a scar, completed healed but very visible. He had an explanation for that at least.