[b]@Everyone:[/b] Mission selection ends Saturday afternoon/evening. At that point, any tied missions will get randomly selected. As well, I'm slowly building a "grand library" of sorts to keep information on factions and NPC's. (Though at the moment it's focused on NPC's.) So you have a place where you can go to quickly look up names and the like. As well, for those of you in TLB who caught a sneak peak of the technical map, I'll be porting those over to LoR 2 for battles as well. The example map is for TLB, but you can get the general idea for LoR. [hider=Map + Notes]White="Pathable" terrain. Sidewalks, streets, etc. Black="Obstructions", usually buildings. Building interiors can be explored. The surrounding grey is fog of war. Still debating if I should even try to put full character names in. To make them fit in small spaces is truly painful. U1 & U2 are U-ARM soldiers. E1 & E2 are shapeshifter mutants. Carolyn and Georgia are... Obviously in a terrible position! :lol [img]http://i.imgur.com/Aewyz0H.jpg[/img] It'll require more fiddling as it's used, but this doesn't take too much effort on my part and given a little bit of experimenting it should alleviate the feelings everyone has of being lost in fights.[/hider]