Deli was the first to leave the by-now-entirely-too-cramped conference room at the end of the [i]longing[/i] – which is precisely what she tended to call any ‘briefing’ that went more than a few minutes…not that she had been to many – and though she was yawning, she was far from ready to sleep again. She had been sleeping a solid three years. By her calculations, she was pretty much good to go for the next ten. Especially considering she wasn’t supposed to be awake at all. Deli wasn’t one to linger over anything even remotely upsetting, tending toward a sort of carefree irreverence, a stubborn, almost aggressive optimist, the same way some people insisted on cynicism. But the longing had somewhat unsettled her. Why had the woken her early – or at all – just to stick her aboard a mining pod chock full o’ bad guys? It had been hard enough getting on the demo crew back on Earth, even with her father’s name, even with the ever tightening noose of their own mortality closing around what remained of humanity, just as chocking as the killer fog that rose from their decaying planet. Now they wanted her mining frozen water and space gold to keep her species alive? It made her uneasy…to say the very least. She’d started walking, as she often did, without a plan or any real thought as to where she was going, but she wasn’t surprised when she found herself at the space-version of the mining pod hangar. She could hear faint music floating down cylindrical halls and immediately imagined herself the star of some c-list horror movie. “Hello?” she called, not really expecting an answer. “Please don’t kill me, I have several redeeming qualities that won’t become apparent for another twenty-four minutes.” The man who stepped out to meet her didn't [i]look[/i] like an axe murderer (who [i]was[/i] sort of cute, albeit in a 2010-Clooney-esque old-guy kind of way), but then he didn't look particularly thrilled to see her, either. But Deli was used to that. Even on her best behavior, she tended to overwhelm people. Especially those wearing the expression this guy was. "Hi!" she said brightly, waving. She'd been expecting the kid with the blue hair, given the music, but Deli wasn't picky. "I'm Deli. Demo. See? Easy to remember. You'" Well, shit. He'd introduced himself at the end of the longing, she remembered that. And she remembered it'd put her in the mind of candy...something chocolate. Hershey...Kit-Kat... "Tootsie?" She knew even before he responded, her semi-joke was going to fall well flat. It just made her grin all the brighter as she peered around him to study the mining pod. "Is that ours?" she said, already itching to take the small ship apart. "Cool." Then, without taking her eyes from the pod, "Where's Curmy?" she questioned idly. "Your friend. The old guy."