[i]collab between ConstableWalrus and idlehands[/i] [i]Mid morning, Trelleborg[/i] Orran trudged through the snow on the ground; his shield upon his back and still clad in his armor; he grunted lightly to himself; Why would Anndrais insist he go for water? Send his protection away saying he would be fine. Orran stretched; the wooden bucket rattling as he walked towards the stream. The man was stubborn as he was; Orran mused with a grin, he knew full well the monk could take care of himself. But it was orders, and you followed orders to the letter, Orran looked at the bucket the smile leaving for a scowl. He did not like doing menial work, but every time Anndrais insisted, said it would teach him patience, that the work of a laborer was the work of God. He shook the thoughts out of his head; He already had enough to deal with, current situation aside. As he reached the stream he knelt down in the snow, and brought the bucket to the edge; he set it down lightly to tug at his scabbard so his sword would keep tight to him encase he needed it. He grumbled to himself lightly as he watched the stream "A village full of violent heathens and he sends me to get water." Moire could feel the cold through the thin leather of her shoes, she would need to stuff more straw inside them as an insulator. Sedge grass worked the best but she was trapped in the fort like everyone else so the nearby salt marsh might have been across the sea. Her woolen dress was old and worn, patched over many times, a hand me down from another female slave. She carried two buckets for water, keeping her head down as she passed by a few of her master's men that had stayed behind to guard his longhouse. Her thick chestnut hair had been cut when she was taken to show her thrall status, it was growing out, just enough to let the shaggy bangs hide her face from their leers. The Gaelic girl sidestepped one of them making a half hearted grab for her, leaving them to their harsh mocking laughter. Murmuring gratitude to God that they left her alone, she made her way down to the where the stream ran through the fort. It was still early, Trelleborg was just stirring to life as people woke and began their chores for the day. Moire liked to get the water early, before her master Harald woke. He enjoyed his baths and he had to wait someone would be punished. Her body ached in several places and her full lips were still swollen from where one of his warriors had hit her for being insolent. Such was her life as a slave. Her slender neck bore a heavy leather collar, marked with runes to indicate Harald's ownership. As she approached the water, she paused, noticing a man doing the same. He certainly was no slave, and the familiarity of his clothing and armor made her heart leap and ache with homesickness. Moire clenched her fists and resisted the urge to call out. The man was a Pict, the tattoos and the panes of his face spoke that louder than any voice. She herself was a child of a Pict and Gael union, her small build and reddish brown hair and light spattering of freckles bespoke her heritage. Moire spoke up in their shared tongue, taking the chance even though her mouth ached to speak, "Christian, you come to this hell without a collar? How is that possible?" Orran was so lost in thought, that he had not noticed the woman get near him, to deep in thoughts of slight frustration at the turn of the current events, and the need to do daily work. And as he heard her speak to him his head shot up, it was not a voice he recognized, a womans voice, and he stood quickly knocking over the bucket and turned; to grasp the hilt of his blade. As of late Orran had been having quite the bout of home sickness, he hated this land, mostly for the people within, but the land itself threw it's hate back. And as he laid eyes on the woman, his body relaxed; and his dark eyes were wide, watching her slowly seeing the matted hair, the painful collar, the bruises. It took a moment to sink in the sight; and the surprise faded to a rage. It hit in the pit of his stomach and hate fired in him; damn these monsters, he thought to himself trying to keep calm outwardly but he doubted himself that he could hide the large scowl on his face. He took a deep breath closing his eyes and finally opened them and looked at her, speaking loud in Gaelic and trying to calm his words, remembering Anndrais who he knew was better at words. "We come to end the suffering of our people." He said, and breathed out lightly remembering something Anndrais had said on the boat ride here, about why they were here, why would they bother consorting with these monsters that had the indecency to call themselves men. And he finally spoke again to the woman "I come because the Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed." Ment in more figurative terms by Anndrais, he was sent to bring light to this hell of darkness. His eyes lingered on her for a moment as he stood there silently.Moire set down the bucket, "You speak bold words for a stranger in a strange land, Pict. No doubt the Lord must be with you if you are allowed to walk around armed and free." She crouched down to fill the bucket from the stream, dipping it in the icy water. "You are from Alba. I was, too. I travelled with my father to the coast to trade at the monastery there. He feared leaving me on the farm alone...in case of bandits." Her eyes flickered with dark humor and she set the dripping bucket down, looking back up at him with eyes that were an indiscernible stone color. Moire rubbed her red hands against the wool to warm them up. Orran rolled his jaw; and watched the woman carefully meeting her gaze; he still wore a scowl the anger at the situation still in his gullet. He stirred as he met her eyes for a moment holding his gaze there before he turned slightly not wanting to meet her stony eyes any more. "Yes... Alba." He said slowly, and he cursed himself slightly, he was awful at this, and he wished Anndrais was here to speak and give comfort; he sighed and walked near her squatting down next to her at the stream. "Our Lord has not abandoned anyone cast in this place of monsters who wear the skin of men..." He stretched slightly and grunted "I am sorry, I do not like seeing one of my own with those damned collars on." Orran started to slowly lose his control on his anger, Anndrais would comfort and rise them up. But Orran? How could he. The thought crossed his mind and he balled his fists tightly. Moire touched the swollen part of her lip and then chuckled hollowly, continuing as if he had not spoken. “They came...these Northmen, out of the fog from the sea. Burned the monks huts and looted the chapel. I hid...my father bid me to hide in a stable. They killed him for fighting back. He had a pitchfork. I was taken...” She trailed off, her eyes distant until she blinked and turned back to Orran, “If only we had men like you, with armor and swords. But...the monastery was supposed to be protected by God.” Orran’s jaw tightened; as he watched her, telling her tale and as she turned back to him he looked at the stream of water and let out a sigh “That is why God made soldiers… I hope for a time where girls are not taken, when my land can be safe.” He rolled his shoulders and glanced back at her “I am sorry… For not being there.” He eyed her, focusing on the collar, wanting nothing more than to rip it from her neck. stomp it into the ground, and find a way to send whatever monster that brought her to this place straight to hell. “God has not forgotten you.” he said softly and looked at her, feeling rage and pity what horrors has this girl gone though, he could not imagine, at least not for very long. The Gaelic girl put the second bucket into the water, watching the water fill and staring at it as it overflowed the rim. “God has forsaken all of us. Those monsters...the draugr as the Northmen call them, they are demons from Hell. Dragging us back...” Her fingers felt numb from the cold yet she kept her hand in the water, “I was supposed to get married next spring. My father had arranged it...he was a man with a farm of his own, I liked him. He worked hard but had a gentle smile. Now, even if I returned, I’m ruined, He would not have me now. I’m full of sin that nothing can wash away.” Moire pulled her hand out of the water, lifting the bucket awkwardly to set it on the ground. “Don’t tell me that God will forgive, He might but people won’t.” She touched her stomach, feeling a cramp again. Whether it was hunger or from abuse or something else. Something she feared and did not want to give thought to. Moire looked at Orran and saw the anger in his face. “And you won’t make them change either,” she said, rubbing her hands to ease the stiffness. “Don’t look like that. If I could take up a blade with you, I would. But it’s useless. We’re trapped.” “I agree.” He said slowly. “That we cannot make these people change, I mean… If it were up to me, I would have culled these dogs, shown them the same kindness they have shown you.” Orran spoke with a growl in his voice, the anger deep and he sighed. “But there is a monk with me, a kindly man, like you have never seen, and truly he believes he can get to someone here, get through to them. And that gives me hope.” He glanced over her “I will not lie and say that people will not understand, but none of this was your fault. You did not ask for this nor deserve it.” Orran scowled, the lines in his face contorting as he heard her words “Take faith, we will leave no Christian here. If we must leave, we will either take you with us, or die trying to free you from this hell, and that is a promise… But for now we must wait, there may come a time very soon, where we outnumber them.” He took a fur gloved hand out and took hers “I am Orran, and I swear by the end of this, I will see you out of that collar… But you have to trust me. We will not leave without you. Or with any. Have faith.” He gripped her hand gently and stood “I will not leave a kinsmen to these dogs, We will show them the power of God, when all they see in their final moments is fire and ruin.” He looked down at her intently, trying to raise spirits was not one of his strong suits, but he would try. He looked down at her worn face; if it were not for the bruises, he had supposed she was very pretty, and that struck him hard, he snarled. His dark eyes alight, If the plan Anndrais held failed, he would enjoy cutting down these monsters. “In the end, there will be no Hell they could run towards to escape me.” Moire bent to pick up the buckets, feeling the strain in her back, "I almost believe you, Orran. You have a fierce look...you wear the cross but you have the look of the warriors of old. My father's markings have faded but he once bore the tribal paint as you do. Or he did. He's dead though he sent one of those heathens to Hell before he was cut down." She paused, not wanting to return to the longhouse with the greedy, cruel men with rough hands and hard words. The two slaves that had given her some hope of resistance were gone now and all that was left were the broken ones. Seeing them was the worst because she knew one day she would have no fire left. Moire bit her lip slightly, turning toward Orran. It was impossible but the idea would not lie down once it rose in her mind. If she could shelter with the monk and the Christian warrior, would Harald try to kill them? Would he demand payment? Most certainly he would kill her if she was given back or worse. She shook her head, her short chestnut hair flying around. It was death or going back to be a drudge until she had been used up and was a husk of a person that she once was. "I want to come with you," she said slowly, looking him in the eye. "I want this collar off, no matter what the cost." It was insanity, a runaway slave with nowhere to run but the desperation clawed at her as the cramping increased in her lower abdomen. Orran looked over the woman and brought a hand up to stroke his chin; Anndrais did want to free all who were bound here, both in spirit and body, but he also downplayed it until he could get a foothold, and in the situation would likely say that the woman go back to not arouse suspicion. But this was not Anndrais. Orran drew his sword from it’s seathe “If you are serious about this then, let’s get that ugly thing off…” He waved her to him quickly “And drop the buckets… You will be doing none of that sort, and especially not for whomever claims that one can own another.” He eyed the woman, and felt pride and admiration. that she was one of his kin, that the fire in her eyes had not dimmed from this hellish place. Only the strong hills of Alba could produce such a strong woman in turn; and he smiled for the first time in their meeting. Moire shot a look over her shoulder, back towards the longhouse. Her hand went to the collar, dropping the bucket, spilling the water onto the snow. The punishment for running away was harsh, either sacrifice or branding and sold to the worst sort of owner. She was certain none could be worse than Harald and if she died a sacrifice to a pagan god then she would perhaps be a martyr. She turned back to Orran, looking at his face and the dark fierce eyes and dropped the other bucket. She moved to him and stood before him, reaching up to pull the collar out as far as she could. “Cut it from me,” she said breathlessly. Orran nodded; bringing the blade up, he was lucky he kept it so sharp and it was a thin blade. He brought it across the collar sliding the blade carefully along it; his face very close to hers as he concentrated intently on the collar. After a few passes it frayed and finally fell apart; her grip the only thing holding it from dropping to the ground; and he pulled the blade away sheathing it. and glanced at her; he put his hand on her chin turning her head to look at him and met her eyes. “Who are you?” He asked. Moire’s stone blue eyes held his dark gaze and she stood still as he cut her free with the fine Pict blade. When the thick leather strap fell away, she rubbed the red mark on her pale throat, then kicked the collar into the stream. “I am Moire Nic Dhomhnuill, from highlands near Loch Etive,” she said, “And you, warrior?” Orran looked upon the woman, unable to glance away from those stone blue eyes. He managed to pull it from her and set it to his side; and listened to her speak her name, a proud name. “That is a very proud name, daughter of Alba…” He said, his smile still on his face as he looked at her “I am Orran, I lived just north of the great glen, in the highlands, I know of Loch Etive. It is very beautiful.” He reached out a hand and placed it on her shoulder “We will both see it again…” He gazed at her lingering a moment before pulling his hand away; and turning to the buckets she had brought and he kicked them into the stream as well, “Damned be his water…” He smiled, “A pleasure to see you Moire. To truly see you.” he brought his hand to his chin stroking his dark stubble “We have a shelter set for us, away from the main central part of the town, privacy… Do not worry about the one I travel with, Anndrais is a monk, and a kindly man.” Moire nodded, “I’ll need to remain hidden...Harald may have many slaves but he is not a man that takes a slight easily. I’ve seen him kill his own men over a perceived insult.” She was about to ask where she could go when she looked over his shoulder. Moire could see black smoke billowing up and she gasped, “Fire!” Orran smiled at her “Then we will just have to be careful won’t we?” As she said fire he turned and saw the smoke; cursing loudly and grit his teeth, always at the worst possible time. He turned back to her. “You must go, hide in our home…” He explained quickly the directions to get to the small place the two were staying at; and he glanced her over. “Quickly, I will see you there, if someone tries to enter by force, there are plenty of blades there… Do what you must.” He said looking at Moire and giving her a small smile “I look forward to speaking more with you.” She tensed, “I have to tell you, Harald took his men out...in that direction. He’s up to some devilment. Who is in charge here?” He furrowed his brow “Someone named, Loker. up in the large house.” He said gesturing to the area “But don’t you worry about that, just get to where I told you, so that you can be out of sight for the time being…” “Okay?” He asked looking at her eyes. Moire nodded, “I’ll do as you say...whatever comes of it, I owe you my life, Orran of the Highlands.” She reached out and gripped his forearm, feeling his strength, and turned to run the way he told her to go. Luckily, she had spent the better part of yesterday carrying things to Harald’s longhouse that she had found the paths that ran through the back of the fort. Moire ran as fast as she could, keeping away from where the free men and women of Trelleborg would be doing their morning chores. She slipped through a pen of goats who looked up at her curiously and barely escaped the ram taking exception to her being among them. Moire was huffing and the cramps increased in her belly. She made it past a few villagers none who bothered to look up at a thrall running to do her master’s bidding. She found the longhouse, it was small, nearly a hut and was in need of repair. No wonder none begrudged the Christians their shelter. Moire pushed open the door and slipped into the house, barring it from the inside. Orran watched the girl sprint off; he hoped she would get there alright; and the smile he had faded lightly, as he turned to look at the smoke; that blank face returning as he sighed; tempted to go towards the flames. The layout of the city was still off to him, having been here for such a short time, and only with the excursions with Anndrais he did not leave their longhouse much. He grit his teeth thinking hard. If he went to the burning there would be plenty there, but if that monster’s men was on the move he’d need backup. He laughed suddenly, asking help from the Danes? He doubted the Ragnarssons would spare any aid. But maybe the one called Loker would He had some pull; he looked towards the hall and fastened his armor making sure it was taught on him before he sprinted off towards the main hall. He heard the men yelling and the flames as he went around trying his best to stay unseen, Lord help him if he was to be ambushed in such tight alleyways; and he made his way quickly to the main hall. Reaching the hall he looked at the large doors; expecting more men outside was odd, but maybe the man wished to consolidate forces he strode up the stairs quickly and threw open the large doors. Expecting to see men, villagers maybe food, but it was dark. The only thing he eyed was a woman, fiery hair. He could not mistake his eyes, it was the wife of Ragnarsson, none had hair as fiery; but she was not idle, a spear in her hands as she tried to fend off attacking draugr; He shut the door behind him; pulling out the shield and sword and sprinted towards her; with aim of crashing into the side of the approaching draugr trying to lop it’s head from it’s shoulders. Sigrid’s spear was a whir of motion, whipping around to slam the butt against the face of one draugr and then back again to drive the spear point into flesh. Her red hair clung to the sweat of her face as she backed up, keeping the four draugr out of biting range, trying to find a fatal point on the creatures. She shouted a curse when one slipped behind her and made a grab for her skirts, it’s teeth clamping down on them. The spear was too unwieldy to turn and use against it and she took it on one hand, making a sweep at the others who still pressed and she snatched her knife from her belt, stabbing downward into the draugr’s neck. It clung to her, she could feel the strength in it’s grip as she slashed at the tendons, the stench of the rotting black blood rising to her nose. The draugr reared back with a roar, grabbing for her arm to bite down and she screamed in horror and rage. Orran came swiftly pushing the dead away with his small shield. The draugr was about to sink it’s gnarled teeth into her arm and he butted it away from her as it snarled; turning slightly towards him with dead eyes long enough for the blade to come through the soft rotted flesh and through the beast's skull. It shifted, and Orran pulled the blade out quickly as the beast dropped lifeless once more to the ground; he brought himself beside Sigrid and glanced over “What is it with you and your family that just draws me to saving you?”