Mowzer was [i]NOT[/i] pleased. Oh sure, his Human had been around right when he was needed, providing a comfortable seat to climb upon and receive scritches from. But what did his Human do then? Did he devote all of his attentions to Mowzer, as expected? Did he beg forgiveness for his actions earlier? Did he even [i]try[/i] to listen to Mowzer's tale of the human who tried to pick him up? No! No he didn't! Instead, not only did his Human [i]barely[/i] pay any attention at all, but then he pushed Mowzer off his shoulder! Why? To shout at the other Humans crowded in this room? Sure shouting at humans was a fine thing to do, but not now! Absolutely not! Shame on his human, he should know [i]far[/i] better! Mowzer paced in growing fury, weaving over feet as often as around them, idly toying with the idea of using someone's leg as a scratching post- probably his human's. In fact, that was a [i]brilliant[/i] idea. It felt like his human had been stealing the spotlight for [i]days[/i], time to get some payback! The Bengal bounded back over to Antoine just as the man finished his little shouting session, fully prepared to pounce when a bouncing sight caught his eye. He slowed to a stately stride, stepping behind his Human's legs to get a better look. This human was one of the female ones, seeming quite interested in something as well. She looked familiar too, did he know her? Did his human know her? Curiosity piqued, Mowzer sat down behind Antoine's leg, deciding to watch the two Humans talk for a moment. ~-~-~ Ms. Albright did not have to try very hard to stop Antoine. The Medtech turned as soon as he heard the bright voice chiming out for him, casting only a brief -if wary- glance towards the floor as he did. Mowzer had that look in his eye again, and he wasn't about to let his guard down and become a scratching post right now. Of course, he couldn't be vigilant for moody cats [i]and[/i] answer the calls of a lovely young lady at the same time. Not well, anyways, there would have to be some sacrifice to be made here. Which meant he was likely to become said scratching post before too long. Antoine met Stella's eyes with his own, smiling warmly towards the woman who had come running up to him. Did she want to take him up on his offer of help, already? That would be a welcome, certainly. Stella Albright... [i]Doctor[/i] Stella Albright, she had been the one to look his way before, when it was his turn to speak. Yes, the veterinari- ah. "Oh, him?" Antoine grinned a little wider, motioning idly towards Mowzer behind his leg. "He's Mowzer, been my pet since he adopted me in the Mountain. He was allowed his own cryo cat-bed, the spoil- Atch!" Mowzer took this opportunity to launch himself up Antoine's back, claws out in full, pulling himself once more to the shoulder of his wincing human. He sat there for a moment, leaning forwards to stare intently into the eyes of the woman across from him, then climbed down Antoine's front. The medtech winced at the claws, but kept his composure well enough, eyeing the cat who then decided to rub his arched back along Stella's leg, purring with a diesel engine. "And it seems he's more fond of you than me at the moment." Antoine chuckled at the sight, eyeing Stella to see her reaction from Mowzer's display. "You're working in the veterinary ward, yes? Mowzer seems to like the halls around there, don't be surprised if you see him a lot."