Username: Savo Name: Laciel Daelam Age: 23 Gender: Male Birthday/Zodiac: August 1/Leo Allegiance: Sacred Blades (used to be Other) Class: [Mercenary] -> Hero -> Dread Fighter Appearence and Clothing: [Img=] This is what he looks like. This is also technically his Mercenary class getup. He is 6'3". [Img=] Hero getup. He doesn't look like that though [Img=] Dread Fighter getup. Remember, the mercenary attire picture has his real face. Weapons: Paragon (Reforged Brave Sword, don't expect him to use it much), Iron Sword, Poking Stick (Reforged Tree Branch). Personality: Laciel is a laid back individual, and rarely jumps to fighting unless it is completely necessary. This leads him to often being called lazy by others, but that isn't necessarily true. He has worked hard almost every day on his travels, honing his skills. He is very level headed in situations where he is pressured, and rarely gets angry. Often when he does, it's usually for a few seconds, because what's anger going to help him with? He is pretty friendly to those around him, and is one of the more modest blades. Laciel also can lend a helping hand to almost anyone, and tries to come up with a good solution. He is also a very strong-willed person, qnd very rarely gives in to any type of temptation. Backstory: Laciel was born into a family of traveling mercenaries who traveled throughout the lands. He had an older brother named Vass, who often tried to outplay him in many different things, but often he lost to his younger brother. He was born to two Ylissian parents - man of magic, and woman of the blade, and these two tought him how to live his life. They taught him and his brother to have a strong resolve, and enjoy their lives. The family he has traveled with his whole life has shared hardships, happiness, and sadness, however one event would soon leave a permanent scar on his life. One day, the pack of mercenaries was sent to take care of a few bandits lingering near the borders of Ylisse and Plegia. Little did the group know that this was a trap set up by the Grimleal to separate them both, and weaken a part of the group. As half of the group headed out to deal with the "bandits," the other group stayed behind to take care of the others due to there being children in the group (other than Laciel and Vass). The Grimleal sought to turn many of these children over to their side, gaining more allies in the future. They striked quickly, slaughtering the adults, and kidnapping the children. Laciel could only watch in horror as his only mother and father were slaughtered before him, and he was quickly taken away by the Grimleal at the age of 12. He endured the Grimleals attempts to "fix" him, and often faked being turned over to their side to avoid being killed. Laciel was one of the few who resisted their mind altering magic, however his brother was not one of the few. Laciel continued being trained in the many arts of the Grimleal, and sought a way out of the volatile group. After biding his time for 4 years, he eventually found the chance to escape, and fled. His brother was angered with his brothers decision, and vowed to one day find and slaughter his treasonous brother. The years past by as the young man continued traveling, training, and even doing a job or two to earn himself a bit of pay. He was often charitous to others, and often assisted other travelers with their problems. After wandering throughout the land, he eventually heard of the Sacred Blades mercenary group. He wasn't interested at first, but he remembered his mother's saying. "We are a band of misfits with no home. We care for each other, we suffer with each other, and we never give in to adversity. We will live, breathe, and die together, as a family... Thats what it means to be in a mercenary group." He was overcome by sadness, and decided to live by his mothers memory and find this group. Ability: An amazing swordplayer, and magic user (later in the story). He can also sing any song blissfully in any octave. Quirk: He is considered to be one of the best singers in the land. Strengths: Great sword fighter and magic fighter(once he remembers how to use magic), very friendly to others, and is very patient. Weaknesses: Very overprotective, curious, and an outright horrible liar. Likes: Spicy food, gaining knowledge, others (except for the Grimleal), his family, and training. Dislikes: Sour food, no resolve, the Grimleal, spiders, and uptight people. Other: I couldn't think of a good one at the moment, so I might of stole one of the Avatars critical hit comments. If you want me to change it, I'll do it. I'll try and come up with a good one on my next character. "Time to tip the scales!" [Hider=Support Ranks]Piers: C Wyeth: C? Noelle: C [/hider]