Well, here's my second app then. Username: Savo Name: Gran Veular (Vass Daelam) Age: 25 Gender: Male Birthday/Zodiac:February 5/Aquarius Allegiance: Sacred Blades (Grimleal) Class: (Dark) Mage -> Sage (Sorcerer) Appearance and Clothing:[url=http://s276.photobucket.com/user/joyrock_dragon/media/AnimeMaleMage.jpg.html] Him in his usual attire. He is just as tall as his younger brother. [Url=http://s279.photobucket.com/user/goldn_scales/media/Anime/Mage-2.jpg.html] His disguise. He makes himself look like a good guy mage with this attire. Weapons: Arcfire, Arcwind, Waste Personality: A once chivalrous brother has degraded to nothing but a mere shell of himself. He is deceptive, cruel, and malicious due to the mind alteration he went through. Due to the training, he has become a sadistic killing machine who will show no mercy to the ones he hates. His mentality is twisted to the point where he could be considered borderline insane. He does seem to show lots of sympathy and love for Grima and his followers though. In fact, he isn't twisted around them, probably because he himself became twisted by those same twisted people. Anyone who denies the truth will be painfully executed mentally or physically by him. In a nutshell, this guy is a zealous nutcase. However, this is only when he is Vass... Gran, on the other hand... Backstory: His backstory is kind of like his brothers backstory, except with a few minor differences. Vass was born to a traveling group of mercenaries, and lived with each of them. One day his brother was born, and that was the start of a soon to be rivalry. When they were older, they often competed with each other in different things, like sword fighting, magic, and all that good stuff. Vass exceled in magic, but he lacked the skill to use the sword. His brother on the other hand exceled in sword fighting, and was a mediocre magician. One day, Grimleal stuff happened, kidnapping, sadness, and yeah. Its that one part in Laciels backstory. Only difference is, that he was too shocked to do anything, and just stood there with his mouth agape. The same training happened with him, his brother, and the others. He was one of the many who had their mind warped, but didn't realize his brother was faking the whole thing. This hollow illusion was broken when his brother told him about what he was going to do. Vass would of followed after his fleeing brother, but he had strict orders to stay with the group. Angered at his brother for 'treason' he vowed to make him suffer one day. Over the years, he continued training under the Grimleal, becoming one of their best assassins who took care of groups who would often be considered a threat to their cause. The Sacred Blades group has come to his attention, and he has recently joined the group under the guise of Gran Vuelar. His mission is to relay info back to a scout where they will put this information to destroying them to use. He isn't expecting that his brother might join the group, so he isn't worrying about him for the mean time. However, his brother is a high risk target to him if he finds out who he really is and exposes his intentions. Ability: A great magic wielder, and an amazing liar. He can easily breathe out a believable lie without using any energy. Quirk: He enjoys puppeting fire around to make it almost like a show. Strengths: Great actor, skilled magic user, and unpredictable. Weaknesses: Cocky, easily angered when nothing goes as planned, and he can become obsessive over almost anything. Likes: The Grimleal, butterflies, herbal tea, learning new spells for... obvious reasons, and sweet food. Dislikes: His brother, Naga, traitors, chickens (the animal), and spicy food. Other: Fake: "It's all over for you, enemy/coward/vermin/fool!" Real: "There is only one truth!"