[hider=Supports] Zayn: [s]S[/s] C Ruby: C[/hider] [hider=Liam]Username: Coyote Name: Liam Age: 20 Gender: Male Birthday/Zodiac: December 10th, Sagittarius Allegiance: Grimleal Class: Cleric -> Sage Clothing: [hider2=Clicky!][img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130119131317/fireemblem/images/5/53/Sage_male.jpg[/img][/hider2] Weapons: Healing Staff, Mend Staff Appearance: [hider2=Clicky!][img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/300W/f/2014/012/e/d/kuroko_no_basuke_8_by_cielwong-d71vb05.jpg[/img] Stands around 5'9''. Thin and not really muscular at all.[/hider2] Personality: Liam is a fun-loving and adventurous individual. He's very direct and honest about his feelings; leading him to be quite a naive person. He also has a curiosity that cannot be satiated unless he learns absolutely every aspect of a certain thing. Due to this, he tends to latch on to something he finds remotely interesting - whether it be an object or a person. In a way, he's some what like a huge puppy who longs for attention. History: Before Liam was born, his brother, Leonard was killed in an accident at the age of 12. It hit his mother worst, and she became and empty shell of her former self. Half a year later, Liam was born on a cold and wintry night. His mother lavished him with love and the rest of the family thought that Liam would heal her. His childhood was filled with happiness and love, and the family began to normally function again. Suddenly, on his 12'th birthday, his mother had begun to break down. She would constantly call out Leonard's name instead of Liam, even asking the child; "Who are you?" As days passed, the family soon realized that the mother had already been broken at the death of her oldest child and she had buried that distorted part deep within herself. In her mind, Leonard had never grown past 12 years, so she had started to reject Liam - subconsciously choosing not to acknowledge his presence. It was extremely tough for Liam, because all the love he had received and his own existence was all completely denied. His father then decided it would be better for Liam to be apart from his mother. So his parents left their home, moving to another home located in Valm whilst leaving Liam and his sister in Ylisstol. As Liam grew older, he eventually convinced himself that his lovey-dovey parents left their two children to their own devices in order to spend more time with each other. He let them leave, but in exchange, Liam lost all faith in his father and gave up the love he had for his mother. Since then, he has always longed to help 'heal' people, leading him to become a cleric. However, his naivety eventually led him to become a Grima worshiper. He believes that becoming part of the Grimleal will give him more power. Ability: Tends to forget things. Quirk: Likes to hoard stuff. Strengths: Fast runner (to run away), energetic, and generous. Weaknesses: Easily scared when alone, a bit gullible, and impatient. Likes: People, sleeping, animals, and spicy foods. Dislikes: Waking up, and sweets. Other: [b][i]"Will you be my friend?"[/i][/b][/hider]